

1> предназначенный для хорошей погоды
fair-weather boat лодка, на которой можно выходить только
в хорошую погоду
fair-weather task задание, выполнимое только при хорошей
2> ненадежный, хороший только при благоприятных обстоятельствах
fair-weather friend друг до первой беды
fair-weather sailor неопытный или робкий моряк

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fairweather" в других словарях:

  • Fairweather — is a surname, and may refer to: * Al Fairweather * Andy Fairweather Low * Bruce Fairweather * Digby Fairweather * G. Ernest Fairweather * Gordon Fairweather * Ian Fairweather * Paul Fairweather * Ralph Fairweather * Simon Fairweatheree also*… …   Wikipedia

  • Fairweather — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Al Fairweather (1927−1993), britischer Jazz Trompeter und Bandleader Andy Fairweather Low (* 1950), britischer Popmusiker Digby Fairweather (* 1946), britischer Jazzmusiker Gaynor Fairweather (* ?),… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Fairweather — (spr. Fährweddher), 1) (Buentiempo), Vorgebirg an der Ostküste (Atlantischer Ocean) von Patagonien (Südamerika); 2) (Beautemps), Vorgebirg an der Westküste des Russischen Nordamerika …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Fairweather — [fer′weth΄ər] Mount [named by COOK1 James in allusion to the state of the weather] mountain on the border between SE Alaska and NW British Columbia: 15,300 ft (4,663 m) …   English World dictionary

  • Fairweather — This picturesque name is of medieval Scottish and English origin, and is a nickname surname for a person with a sunny temperament, deriving from the Middle English fair weder , meaning weather not wet or stormy . There is a Scottish legend about… …   Surnames reference

  • Fairweather — /ˈfɛəwɛðə/ (say fairwedhuh) noun 1. Ian, 1891–1974, Australian painter, born in Scotland; figurative and abstract art. 2. Simon, born 1969, Australian champion archer; Olympic gold medal 2000. Ian Fairweather first came to Australia in the 1930s… …  

  • fairweather — /ˈfɛəwɛðə/ (say fairwedhuh) adjective 1. intended or designed for fair weather only. 2. weakening or failing in time of trouble: deserted by fairweather allies …  

  • Fairweather Glacier — is a 19 mile long (31 km) glacier in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve in the U.S. state of Alaska. It begins on the west slope of Mount Salisbury and continues west to its 1961 terminus 0.2 miles (300 m) east of Cape Fairweather, 100 miles… …   Wikipedia

  • Fairweather Johnson — Studio album by Hootie the Blowfish Released April 23, 1996 ( …   Wikipedia

  • Fairweather Johnson — Fairweather Father Album par Hootie The Blowfish Sortie 23 avril 1996 Durée 49:31 Genre Rock US, Blues Rock Producteur Don Gehman Label …   Wikipédia en Français

  • fairweather friend — A fairweather friend is the type who is always there when times are good but forgets about you when things get difficult or problems crop up …   The small dictionary of idiomes

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