
[ʹfeəlı] adv
1. честно; справедливо, беспристрастно

to win /to gain/ smth. fairly - получить что-л. честно /по справедливости/

to act fairly by all men - поступать справедливо по отношению ко всем людям

2. 1) довольно; в известной степени; сносно

fairly good - довольно хороший

she sings fairly well - она неплохо поёт

we could see and hear fairly well - нам было довольно хорошо видно и слышно

his suggestion fairly took my breath away - от его предложения у меня просто дух захватило

2) эмоц.-усил. совершенно, явно; весьма

he is fairly beside himself - он совершенно вне себя

the boat was fairly under way - корабль был уже на полном ходу

3. благоприятно; надлежащим, соответствующим образом

a town fairly situated - город, хорошо расположенный

he may fairly have high hopes - он вправе питать большие надежды

4. ясно, чётко, разборчиво

to write fairly - писать разборчиво

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Смотреть что такое "fairly" в других словарях:

  • Fairly — Fair ly, adv. 1. In a fair manner; clearly; openly; plainly; fully; distinctly; frankly. [1913 Webster] Even the nature of Mr. Dimmesdale s disease had never fairly been revealed to him. Hawthorne. [1913 Webster] 2. Favorably; auspiciously;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fairly — [fer′lē] adv. [ME: see FAIR1 & LY2] 1. justly; equitably 2. moderately; somewhat [fairly hot] 3. clearly; distinctly 4. virtually; in effect …   English World dictionary

  • fairly — I (clearly) adverb absolutely, aperte, certainly, dare, completely, conspicuously, decidedly, decisively, definitely, discernibly, distincte, distinctively, distinctly, distinguishably, doubtlessly, evidently, explicitly, fully, indubitably,… …   Law dictionary

  • fairly — [adv1] somewhat adequately, averagely, enough, kind of, moderately, more or less, passably, pretty well, quite, rather, ratherish, reasonably, some, something, sort of, so so*, tolerably; concept 786 fairly [adv2] justly deservedly, equitably,… …   New thesaurus

  • fairly — (adv.) c.1400, handsomely, from FAIR (Cf. fair) + LY (Cf. ly) (2). Meaning impartially is from 1670s; somewhat is from 1805; meaning totally is earlier (1590s) …   Etymology dictionary

  • fairly — ► ADVERB 1) with justice. 2) moderately. 3) actually; positively …   English terms dictionary

  • fairly — [[t]fe͟ə(r)li[/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) ADV: ADV adj/adv Fairly means to quite a large degree. For example, if you say that something is fairly old, you mean that it is old but not very old. Both ships are fairly new (five years old and one year old… …   English dictionary

  • fairly — adverb Date: 12th century 1. in a handsome manner < a table fairly set > 2. obsolete a. in a gentle manner ; quietly b. in a courteous manner 3. so to speak ; nearly, practically …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • fairly — fair, fairly adverbs. Fair is used in its ordinary meaning ‘in a fair manner’ in several fixed expressions, e.g. to bid fair, to play fair, fair between the eyes. In dialect use and in some non British varieties it is used to mean ‘completely,… …   Modern English usage

  • fairly — /fair lee/, adv. 1. in a fair manner; justly or honestly; impartially. 2. moderately; tolerably: a fairly heavy rain. 3. properly; legitimately: a claim fairly made. 4. clearly; distinctly: fairly seen. 5. Chiefly Southern U.S. a. actually;… …   Universalium

  • fairly — fair|ly W2S1 [ˈfeəli US ˈferli] adv 1.) [+ adjective/adverb] more than a little, but much less than very →↑quite ▪ The house had a fairly large garden. ▪ She speaks English fairly well. ▪ The instructions seem fairly straightforward. see usage… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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