
[ʹfeısgɑ:d] n
предохранительная, защитная маска

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "faceguard" в других словарях:

  • faceguard — noun A protective guard for the face …   Wiktionary

  • faceguard — /ˈfeɪsgad/ (say faysgahd) noun (in fencing, etc.) a mask to protect the face …  

  • Cooper Canada Ltd. — Cooper Canada Ltd. was a sporting goods and fine leather goods manufacturer based in Toronto, Canada. In its heyday in the 1960s through the 1980s, the company was Canada s leading producer of leather baseball mitts and protective hockey gear.… …   Wikipedia

  • American football protective equipment — ( football gear ) consists of equipments worn by football players for the protection of the body during the course of football games. Basic equipments worn by almost all football players include a helmet, shoulder pads, a jockstrap (aka athletic… …   Wikipedia

  • Cooper Canada — The Cooper XL7 hockey helmet was used in the NHL, derided as unsafe, and is now prized by collectors. Cooper Canada Ltd. was a sporting goods and fine leather goods manufacturer based in Toronto, Canada. In its heyday, the 1960s through to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Hurling — (in Irish, iománaíocht or iomáint ) is an outdoor team sport of ancient Gaelic origin, administered by the Gaelic Athletic Association, and played with sticks called hurleys and a ball called a sliotar. The game, played primarily in Ireland, has… …   Wikipedia

  • List of After Colony characters — This is a list of fictional characters from the After Colony (AC) timeline of the Gundam anime metaseries, primarily Gundam Wing and Endless Waltz . The codes after the characters names indicate which series and manga the characters appear in.*… …   Wikipedia

  • Crime Syndicate of America — For the concept of crime syndicates in general, see Organized crime. Crime Syndicate of America The anti matter Crime Syndicate of Amerika (and counterparts) feature on the cover of the JLA: Earth 2 graphic novel. Art by Frank Quitely. Upside… …   Wikipedia

  • Teen Titans Go! — Jóvenes Titanes vamos! Teen Titans Go! Publicación Formato Comic book Primera edición Noviembre de …   Wikipedia Español

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