- eyewash
1> _мед. глазная примочка
2> очковтирательство
3> лесть; подлизывание
4> вздор, чушь
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Eyewash — is a fluid, commonly saline, used in the aid of rinsing of the eye. Eyewash may also describe the apparatus used to physically wash the eyes in the case that they may be contaminated by foreign materials or substances.Eyewashes may be beneficial… … Wikipedia
Eyewash — Eye wash, n. See {Eyewater}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
eyewash — a wash or lotion for the eyes, 1866, from EYE (Cf. eye) (n.) + WASH (Cf. wash) (n.). Colloquial use for blarney, humbug (1884), chiefly British, is perhaps from the notion of something intended to obscure or conceal facts or true motives. But… … Etymology dictionary
eyewash — [ī′wôsh΄] n. 1. a medicated solution for the eyes 2. Slang a) nonsense b) flattery c) something done only to impress an observer … English World dictionary
eyewash — 1. n. nonsense; deception. □ Aw, that’s just a lot of eyewash! □ It’s not eyewash! It’s true! 2. n. liquor. □ How about some of that nice eyewash? □ You’ve been … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
eyewash — noun a) A soothing medicated lotion for the eyes Talking of being eaten by dogs, theres a dachshund at Brinkley who when you first meet him will give you the impression that he plans to convert you into a light snack between his regular meals.… … Wiktionary
eyewash — noun Date: circa 1859 1. an eye lotion 2. misleading or deceptive statements, actions, or procedures … New Collegiate Dictionary
eyewash — /uy wosh , uy wawsh /, n. 1. Also called collyrium. Pharm. a solution applied locally to the eye for irrigation or administering medication. 2. Informal. nonsense; bunk. [1865 70; EYE + WASH] * * * … Universalium
eyewash — A soothing solution used for bathing the eye. * * * eye·wash ī .wȯsh, .wäsh n an eye lotion … Medical dictionary
eyewash — Synonyms and related words: adulation, balls, balm, baloney, balsam, bilge, blague, blandishment, blarney, bosh, brilliantine, bull, bullshit, bunk, bunkum, cajolement, cajolery, cerate, chrism, claptrap, cold cream, collyrium, compliment, crap,… … Moby Thesaurus
Eyewash — (older slang) nonsense … Dictionary of Australian slang