- extraterrene
- [͵ekstrətəʹri:n] = extraterrestrial II
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Subliminal self — The phrase subliminal self, which is one that has figured largely of recent years in discussions of the problems of Psychical Research, owes its wide currency to the writings of FWH Myers, especially to his posthumous work Human Personality and… … Wikipedia
alien — Synonyms and related words: Jim Crow, Martian, Uitlander, abalienate, adversary, adversative, adverse, alienate, alter, antagonistic, anti, antipathetic, antithetic, apart, apartheid, assign, astronaut, auslander, barbarian, barbaric, barbarous,… … Moby Thesaurus
exterrestrial — Synonyms and related words: alien, exterritorial, extragalactic, extralateral, extraliminal, extramundane, extramural, extrapolar, extraprovincial, extrasolar, extraterrene, extraterrestrial, extraterritorial, extratribal, foreign, otherworldly,… … Moby Thesaurus
extramundane — Synonyms and related words: Elysian, Olympian, airy, alien, arcane, asomatous, astral, beatific, beatified, blessed, bodiless, celestial, decarnate, decarnated, discarnate, disembodied, eerie, esoteric, ethereal, exterrestrial, exterritorial,… … Moby Thesaurus
extraterrestrial — Synonyms and related words: Elysian, Olympian, alien, arcane, barbarian, barbaric, barbarous, beatific, beatified, blessed, celestial, eerie, esoteric, ethereal, exotic, exterior, external, exterrestrial, exterritorial, extragalactic,… … Moby Thesaurus
otherworldly — Synonyms and related words: Christlike, Christly, Elysian, God fearing, Olympian, airy, alien, angelic, arcane, asomatous, astral, autistic, beatific, beatified, blessed, bodiless, celestial, daydreaming, daydreamy, decarnate, decarnated,… … Moby Thesaurus
space — Synonyms and related words: 3 D, CAT, accommodation, aerospace, aerosphere, aesthetic distance, air hole, air pocket, airspace, alien, align, allocate, allot, amount, ample scope, amplitude, aperture, apportion, area, arrange, array, astronomical … Moby Thesaurus
transcendental — Synonyms and related words: Elysian, Olympian, a cut above, above, abstract, abstruse, ahead, airy, algorismic, algorithmic, alien, aliquot, arcane, ascendant, autistic, beatific, beatified, better, blessed, capping, cardinal, celestial, chosen,… … Moby Thesaurus