

1> _юр. выходящий за пределы одной нации, одного государства;
международный, интернациональный

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "extranational" в других словарях:

  • extranaţional — extranaţionál adj. m., pl. extranaţionáli; f. sg. extranaţionálă, pl. extranaţionále Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic  EXTRANAŢIONÁL, Ă adj. exterior ţării, naţiunii. (< fr …   Dicționar Român

  • extranational — extranational, ale, aux [ɛkstʀanasjɔnal, o] adj. ÉTYM. 1833, in D. D. L.; de 1. extra , et national. ❖ ♦ Didact. Extérieur au pays, à la nation dont il est question. REM. On écrit aussi extra national. 0 (…) la recherche des sources extra… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • extranational — Beyond the territorial and governing limits of a country. See also extraterritorial …   Black's law dictionary

  • extranational — Beyond the territorial and governing limits of a country. See also extraterritorial …   Black's law dictionary

  • United States and the United Nations — The United States is a charter member of the United Nations and one of five permanent members of the UN Security Council. U.S. role in establishing the UN The term United Nations was suggested by Franklin D. Roosevelt [… …   Wikipedia

  • Thomas M. Cooley — Thomas McIntyre Cooley Born January 6, 1824(1824 01 06) Attica, New York Died September 12, 1898(1898 09 12) …   Wikipedia

  • Media in Ethiopia — The Media in Ethiopia consists of radio and television, which remain under the control of the Ethiopian government, as well as private newspapers and magazines. In comparison to the length of Ethiopia s over 2,000 year history as a sovereign… …   Wikipedia

  • Scouting in Armenia — The first Armenian Scouting groups were organized in 1910 in orphanages in Van, present day Turkey. and continued until 1922 when Scouting was officially banned and the Young Pioneers became the official state youth organization. The Scout and… …   Wikipedia

  • United States withdrawal from the United Nations — The United States of America has been a member state of the United Nations since its inception as a supranational entity in 1945. [cite web| url=http://www.un.org/aboutun/history.htm |title=Beginning of the United Nations |publisher=United… …   Wikipedia

  • conflict of laws — 1. dissimilarity or discrepancy between the laws of different legal orders, such as states or nations, with regard to the applicable legal rules and principles in a matter that each legal order wishes to regulate. 2. Also called private… …   Universalium

  • Europe — /yoor euhp, yerr / for 1; /yoo roh pee, yeuh / for 2, n. 1. a continent in the W part of the landmass lying between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, separated from Asia by the Ural Mountains on the E and the Caucasus Mountains and the Black and… …   Universalium

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