- extracanonical
- [͵ekstrəkəʹnɒnık(ə)l] a церк.
неканонический (о тексте, книге); не входящий в канон
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
extracanonical — [eks΄trə kə nän′i kəl] adj. not included in the canon; not among the authorized books … English World dictionary
extracanonical — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷+ adjective Etymology: extra + canonical : being outside the body of officially accepted writings : not included in a list of authorized books; specifically : being outside a canon of books held to be sacred an extracanonical writing * * … Useful english dictionary
extracanonical — /ek streuh keuh non i keuhl/, adj. Eccles. not included in the canon of Scripture. [1825 35; EXTRA + CANONICAL] * * * … Universalium
extracanonical — ex·tra·canonical … English syllables
extracanonical — /ɛkstrəkəˈnɒnɪkəl/ (say ekstruhkuh nonikuhl) adjective not included in the canon of Scripture. {extra + canonical} …
biblical literature — Introduction four bodies of written works: the Old Testament writings according to the Hebrew canon; intertestamental works, including the Old Testament Apocrypha; the New Testament writings; and the New Testament Apocrypha. The Old… … Universalium
Lemony Snicket bibliography — The following is a list of the works of Lemony Snicket, the nome de plume of American author Daniel Handler (born 1970). Snicket has penned a total of 22 works of fiction, and at least three additional works have been officially released in… … Wikipedia
Freyr — Frey redirects here. For other uses of Frey and Freyr , see Frey (disambiguation). Freyr (sometimes anglicized Frey) [The name Freyr is believed to be cognate to Gothic frauja and Old English frēa , meaning lord . It is sometimes anglicized to… … Wikipedia
Gospel of James — Early Christian Writings title=Gospel of James attribution=James the Just sources=Gospel of Matthew, Gospel of Luke, Septuagint, extracanonical traditions date=140 170 AD location= manuscripts= audience= theme=Virginity of Mary and birth of… … Wikipedia
Nativity scene — An elaborate Neapolitan presepio A nativity scene, manger scene, krippe, crèche, or crib, is a depiction of the birth of Jesus as described in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. While the term nativity scene typically includes two dimensional… … Wikipedia
Azazel — (Aramaic: רמשנאל, Hebrew: עזאזל, Aze ezel Arabic: عزازل Azazil ) is an enigmatic name from the Hebrew scriptures and Apocrypha, where the name is used interchangeably with Rameel and Gadriel. The word s first appearance is in Leviticus 16, where… … Wikipedia