- externalization
- [ık͵stɜ:nəlaıʹzeıʃ(ə)n] n книжн.
1. облечение в конкретную форму, воплощение, овеществление2. воплощение, олицетворение
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
externalization — n. 1. attributing to outside causes. [WordNet 1.5] 2. embodying in an outward form. Syn: externalisation, exteriorization, exteriorisation. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Externalization — This article is about social philosophy. For externalization (of cost), in the context of economics, see externality.Externalization means to put something outside of its original borders, especially to put a human function outside of the human… … Wikipedia
externalization — A concept used by phenomenological and some Marxist sociologists to describe how human beings imprint their ideas and projects on the outside world. For example Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann, in The Social Construction of Reality (1966), view… … Dictionary of sociology
externalization — externalize (also externalise) ► VERB 1) give external existence or concrete form to. 2) express (a thought or feeling) in words or actions. DERIVATIVES externalization noun … English terms dictionary
externalization — noun Date: 1803 1. a. the action or process of externalizing b. the quality or state of being externalized 2. something externalized ; embodiment … New Collegiate Dictionary
externalization — /ik sterr nl euh zay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of externalizing. 2. the quality or state of being externalized. 3. something that is externalized. [1795 1805; EXTERNALIZE + ATION] * * * … Universalium
externalization — noun a physical thing that typifies an abstract thing; an embodiment or personalization … Wiktionary
externalization — ex·ter·nal·iza·tion (ek stur″nəl ĭ zaґshən) 1. the tendency to perceive in the external world and external objects components of one s own personality, including instinctual impulses, conflicts, moods, attitudes, and ways of… … Medical dictionary
externalization — n. act of embodying in outward form, exteriorization, act of making external … English contemporary dictionary
externalization — ex·ter·nal·iza·tion … English syllables
externalization — See: externalize … English dictionary