
[ıkʹstent] n
1. 1) протяжение, протяжённость

latitudinal [longitudinal] extent - протяжённость по широте [по долготе]

extent of front - воен. протяжение фронта

we were able to see the full extent of the park - нам удалось осмотреть всю территорию парка

2) объём, пределы

the extent of power - пределы власти

I was amazed at the extent of his knowledge - я был поражён широтой его знаний

he has prepared to supply money to the extent of $10,000 - он был готов предоставить средства в пределах 10 000 долларов

to reduce the extent of the law's application - сузить рамки применимости этого закона

2. степень, мера

to a great extent - в большой мере, в значительной степени

to the full extent - в полной мере

to a certain extent - в известной мере; до известной степени

to some extent - до некоторой степени

to such an extent - до такой степени, до таких пределов, в такой мере

to what extent can he be trusted? - насколько ему можно верить?

the quarrel was carried to a foolish extent - в этом споре они дошли до нелепости

3. размер, величина

extent of error - величина ошибки /погрешности/

a serpent of huge extent - змея огромного размера

4. вчт. экстент, поле, область или зона памяти

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "extent" в других словарях:

  • Extent — Ex*tent , n. [L. extentus, fr. extendere. See {Extend}.] 1. Space or degree to which a thing is extended; hence, superficies; compass; bulk; size; length; as, an extent of country or of line; extent of information or of charity. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Extent — has several meanings: *Extent (file systems), a contiguous piece of a file on a computer storage medium *Wingspan, the extent between the tips of the wings of a bird, bat, or other flying animal *Reach (physical measurement), the extent between… …   Wikipedia

  • extent — I noun amount, area, borders, bounds, breadth, circuit, compass, comprehensiveness, coverage, degree, dimensions, distance, expanse, gauge, hactenus, length, limit, limitation, magnitude, measure, quantity, range, reach, scope, size, space,… …   Law dictionary

  • extent — ► NOUN 1) the area covered by something. 2) size or scale. 3) the degree to which something is the case: everyone compromises to some extent. ORIGIN Old French extente, from Latin extendere stretch out …   English terms dictionary

  • extent — [ek stent′, ikstent′] n. [ME extente < Anglo Fr < OFr estente < estendre < L extendere] 1. the space, amount, or degree to which a thing extends; size; length; breadth 2. range or limits of anything; scope; coverage 3. an extended… …   English World dictionary

  • Extent — Ex*tent , a. [L. extentus, p. p. of extendere. See {Extend}.] Extended. [Obs.] Spenser. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Extent — Extent, in England der mit Hülfsvollstreckung in die Güter verbundene persönliche Arrest …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • extent — early 14c., from Anglo Fr. extente, O.Fr. estente valuation of land, stretch of land, from fem. pp. of O.Fr. extendre extend, from L. extendere (see EXTEND (Cf. extend)). Meaning degree to which something extends is from 1590s …   Etymology dictionary

  • extent — *size, dimensions, area, magnitude, volume Analogous words: *range, scope, compass, sweep, reach, radius: stretch, spread, amplitude, *expanse …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • extent — [n] range, magnitude admeasurement, ambit, amount, amplitude, area, bounds, breadth, bulk, capaciousness, compass, degree, dimensions, duration, elbowroom*, expanse, expansion, extension, intensity, leeway, length, limit, mass, matter, measure,… …   New thesaurus

  • extent — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ full, greatest, maximum, overall ▪ The overall extent of civilian casualties remained unclear. ▪ actual, exact, precise …   Collocations dictionary

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