
[əʹmi:nıtı,əʹmenıtı] n
1. 1) приятность, прелесть; мягкость

the amenity of the Californian climate - прелесть климата Калифорнии

amenity of temper - мягкость характера

2) вежливость, учтивость; любезность; культура поведения

an exchange of amenities - обмен любезностями

saying ❝thank you❞ is an amenity that should be taught to young children - детей с самого раннего возраста надо приучать говорить «спасибо»

2. pl прелести, красоты

amenities of nature - красоты природы

amenities of home life - прелести семейной жизни

3. pl
1) комфорт, комфортабельность

social amenities - социально-культурное и бытовое обслуживание

amenities of modern life - современный комфорт

a new district requires amenities such as schools, restaurants and a cinema - в новом (жилом) районе должно предусматриваться строительство школ, ресторанов и кинотеатра

2) коммунальные удобства

an apartment with all modern amenities - квартира с современными удобствами

3) необходимые предметы быта

television is among the amenities of modern life - жизнь современного человека трудно себе представить без телевидения

4. юр., ком. обстоятельство, повышающее ценность недвижимого имущества

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "amenity" в других словарях:

  • amenity — 1 Amenity, luxury both denote something (as an object, a feature, a quality, or an experience) that gives refined or exquisite pleasure or is exceedingly pleasing to the mind or senses. Amenity typically implies a delightful mildness, gentleness …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Amenity — A*men i*ty, n.; pl. {Amenities}. [F. am[ e]nit[ e], L. amoenitas, fr. amoenus pleasant.] The quality of being pleasant or agreeable, whether in respect to situation, climate, manners, or disposition; pleasantness; civility; suavity; gentleness.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • amenity — [n1] pleasant thing advantage, betterment, comfort, convenience, enhancement, enrichment, excellence, extravagance, facility, frill, improvement, luxury, merit, quality, service, superfluity, virtue; concept 712 Ant. abomination, inconvenience… …   New thesaurus

  • amenity — I noun accommodation, agreeable manner, agreeable way, agreeableness, allure, amoenitas, appeal, attractive feature, attractive quality, attractiveness, civility, delightfulness, desirable feature, grace, invitingness, lure, mildness, niceness,… …   Law dictionary

  • amenity — UK US /əˈmiːnəti/ US  /əˈmenəti/ noun [C] (plural amenities) ► something such as a swimming pool or shopping area that is intended to make life more pleasant or convenient for people in a town, hotel, or other place: »public amenities. ● basic… …   Financial and business terms

  • amenity — (n.) late 14c., quality of being pleasant or agreeable, from O.Fr. amenite, from L. amoenitatem (nom. amoenitas) delightfulness, pleasantness, from amoenus pleasant, perhaps related to amare to love (see AMY (Cf. Amy)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • amenity — ► NOUN (pl. amenities) ▪ a useful or desirable feature of a place. ORIGIN Latin amoenitas, from amoenus pleasant …   English terms dictionary

  • amenity — [ə men′ə tē; ] also [, əmēn′ə tē] n. pl. amenities [ME & OFr amenite < L amoenitas < amoenus, pleasant; akin to amare, to love] 1. pleasant quality; attractiveness 2. a) an attractive or desirable feature, as of a place or climate b)… …   English World dictionary

  • amenity — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ excellent ▪ basic ▪ local (BrE) ▪ The campsite is close to all local amenities. ▪ modern ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • Amenity — Benefits of a property whose existence increase the value or desirability of that property. An amenity can be either tangible, such as a swimming pool or gym, or intangible, such as proximity to a local school or supermarket. By making… …   Investment dictionary

  • amenity — UK [əˈmiːnətɪ] / US [əˈmenətɪ] noun [countable, usually plural] Word forms amenity : singular amenity plural amenities something that makes it comfortable or enjoyable to live or work somewhere Amenities include a gym, a pool, and a jacuzzi.… …   English dictionary

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