
[ıkʹsplısıt] a
1. 1) ясный, точный; определённый; высказанный до конца; недвусмысленный

explicit assurances - недвусмысленные заверения

explicit consent - ясно выраженное согласие

an explicit statement of the problem - ясное изложение проблемы

he was quite explicit on that point - он не оставил сомнений на этот счёт

2) подробный, детальный

an explicit statement of his objectives - подробное изложение его намерений

3) спец. эксплицитный
2. искренний, откровенный

explicit belief - беззаветная вера

to be quite explicit about modern art - не скрывать своего мнения о современном искусстве

3. мат. явный

explicit function - явная функция

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "explicit" в других словарях:

  • Explicit — Ex*plic it, a. [L. explicitus; p. p. of explicare to unfold: cf. F. explicite. See {Explicate}, {Exploit}.] 1. Not implied merely, or conveyed by implication; distinctly stated; plain in language; open to the understanding; clear; not obscure or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • explicit — EXPLICÍT, Ă, expliciţi, te, adj. (Adesea adverbial) Care este exprimat limpede; desluşit, lămurit, clar. ♦ (Despre o funcţie matematică) Care este egal cu o anumită expresie ce conţine numai variabile independente. – Din fr. explicite, lat.… …   Dicționar Român

  • explicit — ⇒EXPLICIT, subst. masc. PALÉOGR. Mot qui indique qu un ouvrage est terminé. Anton. incipit. Quant au septième et dernier ouvrage, appelé, dans l incipit, « paroles secrètes dites par le sauveur à Jude Thomas (...) » et, dans l explicit, « le… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • explicit — explicit, express, specific, definite, categorical are comparable when applied to statements, utterances, and language and when meaning perfectly clear in significance or reference. Something is explicit which is stated so plainly and distinctly… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • EXPLICIT — vox in fine librorum olim addi solita. Hieronym. ad Marcellam, Scire debemus, apud Hebraeos in fine librorum unum e tribus solere subnecti: ut aut Amen scribant, aut Sela aut Salom, quod exprimit pacem ut solemus nos completis opusculis, ad… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Explicit — (from Latin explicare , to unfold and thus also make visible) can mean: * very specific, clear, or detailed * containing material (e.g. language or film footage) that might be deemed offensive or graphic, e.g. sexually explicit material * the… …   Wikipedia

  • explicit — I adjective absolute, accurate, apertus, beyond doubt, categorical, certain, clear, clearly defined, clearly expressed, clearly formulated, clearly stated, comprehensible, crystal clear, decided, definite, definitus, determinate, direct, distinct …   Law dictionary

  • éxplicit — Latinismo que se emplea en las descripciones bibliográficas, como sustantivo masculino, con el sentido de ‘últimas palabras de un escrito o de un impreso antiguo’. Debe escribirse con tilde por ser palabra esdrújula (→ tilde2, 1.1.3): «El “datnos …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • explicit — explicit; in·explicit; un·explicit; …   English syllables

  • explicit — [eks plis′it, ik splis′it] adj. [OFr explicite < ML explicitus < L, pp. of explicare: see EXPLICATE] 1. clearly stated and leaving nothing implied; distinctly expressed; definite: distinguished from IMPLICIT 2. saying what is meant, without …   English World dictionary

  • Explicit — Ex pli*cit [LL., an abbreviation of explicitus (est liber) the book (which anciently was a roll of parchment) is unfolded (and, of course, finished ). See {Explicit}, a.] A word formerly used (as finis is now) at the conclusion of a book to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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