
1. [ıkʹspens] n
1. расход; трата

to go to expense - тратиться

at an expense of over 50,000 dollars - с затратой свыше 50 000 долларов

at one's own expense - за свой счёт, на свои средства

to go to the expense of smth. - выделить средства на что-л.; раскошелиться на что-л.

to put smb. to expense - вводить кого-л. в расход

❝Expense no object❞ - «за расходами не постою» (в объявлении)
2. обыкн. pl
1) расходы, издержки

incidental [travelling] expenses - непредвиденные [дорожные] расходы

running expenses - эксплуатационные затраты

expenses of production - эк. издержки производства

the expenses of the Court shall be borne by the U.N. - Объединённые Нации несут расходы Суда

2) возмещение расходов

to get a salary and expenses - получать жалованье и возмещение расходов (на деловые нужды)

3. счёт, цена

at the expense of one's health - за счёт /ценой/ своего здоровья

at the expense of one's life - ценою жизни

to profit at the expense of another - получить выгоду за счёт другого /в ущерб другому/

to laugh at smb.'s expense - смеяться над кем-л., прохаживаться на чей-л. счёт

an estate [an automobile] is a great expense - содержание имения [автомобиля] - это большой расход

2. [ıkʹspens] v бухг.
1. предъявлять счёт (за что-л.); относить за чей-л. счёт (покупателя и т. п.)
2. записывать в счёт подотчётных сумм
3. списывать в расход

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "expense" в других словарях:

  • expense — ex‧pense [ɪkˈspens] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] ACCOUNTING an amount of money that a business or organization has to spend on something: • Most advertisers look upon advertising as an expense and not an investment, which is a mistake. • The… …   Financial and business terms

  • expense — ex·pense 1 n: financial burden or outlay; specif: an item of business outlay chargeable against revenue for a specific period busi·ness expense: an expense made in furtherance of one s business esp. as part of the cost of operating a business in… …   Law dictionary

  • Expense — Ex*pense , n. [L. expensa (sc. pecunia), or expensum, fr. expensus, p. p. of expendere. See {Expend}.] 1. A spending or consuming; disbursement; expenditure. [1913 Webster] Husband nature s riches from expense. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. That which… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • expense — [ek spens′, ikspens′] n. [ME < Anglo Fr < LL expensa (pecunia), paid out (money) < L expensum, neut. pp. of expendere: see EXPEND] 1. Obs. the act of expending; a spending or using up 2. financial cost; fee; charge 3. any cost or… …   English World dictionary

  • expense — late 14c., from Anglo Fr. expense, O.Fr. espense money provided for expenses, from L.L. expensa disbursement, outlay, expense, prop. neut. pl. pp. of L. expendere to weigh out money, to pay down (see EXPEND (Cf. expend)). The verb is 1909, from… …   Etymology dictionary

  • expense — ► NOUN 1) the cost incurred in or required for something. 2) (expenses) specific costs incurred in the performance of a job or task. 3) something on which money must be spent. ● at the expense of Cf. ↑at the expense of …   English terms dictionary

  • expense — cost, *price, charge …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • expense — [n] cost, payment amount, assessment, bite*, bottom line*, budget, charge, consumption, debit, debt, decrement, deprivation, disbursement, duty, expenditure, forfeit, forfeiture, insurance, investment, liability, loan, loss, mortgage, obligation …   New thesaurus

  • Expense — Expenses redirects here. For the row about members expenses in the UK Parliament which started about May 2009, see United Kingdom Parliamentary expenses scandal. Accountancy Key concepts Accountant · Accounting period ·… …   Wikipedia

  • expense — noun 1 cost/money spent on sth ADJECTIVE ▪ considerable, enormous, great, huge, significant, vast ▪ added, additional, extra …   Collocations dictionary

  • expense — ex|pense [ ık spens ] noun *** 1. ) count an amount of money you spend in order to buy or do something: Rent is our biggest expense. You can claim part of your telephone bill as a business expense. traveling/medical/legal expenses a factory s… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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