- exogamic
- [͵eksəʋʹgæmık] a биол.
экзогамный; относящийся к экзогамии
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
exogamic — adjective see exogamy … New Collegiate Dictionary
exogamic — See exogamy. * * * … Universalium
exogamic — ex·o·gam·ic … English syllables
exogamic — adjective 1. characterized by or fit for fertilization by a flower that is not closely related • Syn: ↑exogamous • Ant: ↑autogamous (for: ↑exogamous), ↑endogamous (for: ↑exo … Useful english dictionary
exogamous — adjective 1. characterized by or fit for fertilization by a flower that is not closely related • Syn: ↑exogamic • Ant: ↑autogamous, ↑endogamous • Topics: ↑botany, ↑phytology 2. pertain … Useful english dictionary
Nivkhs — Ethnic group group=Nivkhs Alternative names: Nivkh, Nivkhi, Gilyak, Giliaks, Giliastski poptime=5,300 (est.) popplace= Russia: Khabarovsk Krai, Sakhalin Oblast langs= Nivkh, Russian rels=Shamanism, Russian Orthodoxy related= Ainu, Oroks, Itelmen … Wikipedia
Hupda — The Hupda are an Amazonian indigenous people who live in Brazil and Colombia.Residence and neighborsThe Hupda people live in the region bordered by the rivers Tiquié and Papuri, tributaries joining the left hand bank of the river Uaupes in the… … Wikipedia
Nivkh people — Nivkh Alternative names: Nivkhs, Nivkhi, Gilyak, Giliaks, Giliastski A group of Nivkh people Total population 5,300 (est.) Regions with significant populations Russia … Wikipedia
outside-group — adj. Of or pertaining to marriage outside a class or tribe, in cultures where that is required by custom or law. Syn: exogamic. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
exogamy — noun (plural mies) Date: 1865 marriage outside of a specific group especially as required by custom or law • exogamous or exogamic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Khanty people — Infobox Ethnic group group=Khanty poptime=28,000 popplace=Russia rels=Shamanism, Russian Orthodoxy langs=Russian, Khanty related=Khanty / Hanti (obsolete: Ostyaks) are an endangered indigenous people calling themselves Khanti, Khande, Kantek… … Wikipedia