- exocytosis
- [͵eksəʋsaıʹtəʋsıs] n биол.
экзоцитоз, внеклеточный процесс
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
exocytosis — exocytosis. См. экзоцитоз. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
exocytosis — [ek΄sō sī tō′sis] n. a process in which a cell releases a large molecule, particle, etc.: opposed to ENDOCYTOSIS exocytose [ek΄sō sītōs′, ek΄sō tītoz′] vt., vi. exocytosed, exocytosing exocytotic [ek΄sō sītät′ik] adj … English World dictionary
Exocytosis — For the meaning of exocytosis in dermatopathology, see exocytosis (dermatopathology). Neuron A (transmitting) to neuron B (receiving) 1. Mitochondrion 2. Synaptic vesicle with neurotransmitters 3. Autoreceptor 4. Synapse with neurotransmitter… … Wikipedia
exocytosis — noun (plural exocytoses) Etymology: New Latin, from exo + cyt + osis Date: 1963 the release of cellular substances (as secretory products) contained in cell vesicles by fusion of the vesicular membrane with the plasma membrane and subsequent… … New Collegiate Dictionary
exocytosis — Release of material from the cell by fusion of a membrane bounded vesicle with the plasma membrane … Dictionary of molecular biology
exocytosis — exocytotic /ek soh suy tot ik/, adj. /ek soh suy toh sis/, n. Physiol. the transport of material out of a cell by means of a sac or vesicle that first engulfs the material and then is extruded through an opening in the cell membrane… … Universalium
exocytosis — noun The secretion of substances through cellular membranes, either to excrete waste products or as a regulatory function … Wiktionary
exocytosis — 1. The appearance of migrating inflammatory cells in the epidermis. 2. The process whereby secretory granules or droplets are released from a cell; the membrane around the granule fuses with the cell membrane, which ruptures, and the secretion is … Medical dictionary
exocytosis — n. (Biology) process of transporting a substance out of a cell by way of a vesicle that first consumes the material and then is forced out through an aperture in the cell membrane … English contemporary dictionary
exocytosis — [ˌɛksəʊsʌɪ təʊsɪs] noun Biology the release of the contents of a cell vacuole to the exterior. Derivatives exocytotic adjective … English new terms dictionary
exocytosis — exo·cy·to·sis … English syllables