- exhilaration
- [ıg͵zıləʹreıʃ(ə)n] n
1. весёлость, веселье; приятное возбуждение2. опьянение
the exhilaration of success - опьянение успехом
3. оживление, придание живости, веселья
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
the exhilaration of success - опьянение успехом
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Exhilaration — Ex*hil a*ra tion, n. [L., exhilaratio.] 1. The act of enlivening the spirits; the act of making glad or cheerful; a gladdening. [1913 Webster] 2. The state of being enlivened or cheerful. [1913 Webster] Exhilaration hath some affinity with joy,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
exhilaration — index ardor, enjoyment (pleasure) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
exhilaration — 1620s, from L.L. exhilarationem (nom. exhilaratio), noun of action from pp. stem of exhilarare (see EXHILARATE (Cf. exhilarate)) … Etymology dictionary
exhilaration — [n] great happiness, excitement animation, a rush*, cheerfulness, delight, elation, electrification, elevation, enlivenment, euphoria, exaltation, excitation, firing, gaiety, galvanization, gladness, gleefulness, head rush*, high spirits*,… … New thesaurus
exhilaration — [eg zil΄ə rā′shən, igzil΄ə rā′shən] n. [LL exhilaratio] 1. the act of exhilarating 2. an exhilarated condition or feeling; liveliness; high spirits; stimulation … English World dictionary
exhilaration — ex|hil|a|ra|tion [ıgˌzıləˈreıʃən] n [U] a feeling of being happy, excited, and full of energy exhilaration of ▪ She enjoyed the exhilaration of jet skiing … Dictionary of contemporary English
exhilaration — /ig zil euh ray sheuhn/, n. 1. exhilarated condition or feeling. 2. the act of exhilarating. [1615 25; < LL exhilaration (s. of exhilaratio). See EXHILARATE, ION] Syn. 1. animation, joyousness, jollity, hilarity. * * * … Universalium
exhilaration — [[t]ɪgzɪ̱ləre͟ɪʃ(ə)n[/t]] N UNCOUNT Exhilaration is a strong feeling of excitement and happiness … English dictionary
exhilaration — noun a feeling of exhilaration Syn: elation, euphoria, exultation, exaltation, joy, happiness, delight, joyousness, jubilation, rapture, ecstasy, bliss … Thesaurus of popular words
exhilaration — exhilarate ► VERB ▪ cause to feel very happy or animated. DERIVATIVES exhilaratingly adverb exhilaration noun. ORIGIN Latin exhilarare make cheerful … English terms dictionary
exhilaration — noun Date: 1622 1. the action of exhilarating 2. the feeling or the state of being exhilarated … New Collegiate Dictionary