
1. [ıgʹzıbıt] n
1. экспонат
2. показ, экспозиция; выставка

a travelling exhibit - передвижная выставка

exhibit hall - выставочный зал

exhibit rack - выставочный стенд /-ая витрина/

exhibits office - отдел по организации выставок

the British exhibit at the World Fair - английский павильон на всемирной выставке

to hold an exhibit of arms and armour - устроить выставку оружия и рыцарских доспехов

3. юр. вещественное доказательство

exhibit A - а) основное вещественное доказательство; б) самый убедительный довод; наглядная демонстрация (чего-л.)

examination of exhibits - осмотр вещественных доказательств

2. [ıgʹzıbıt] v
1. показывать, обнаруживать, проявлять

to exhibit bravery - проявить мужество

he exhibited his ignorance - он показал /обнаружил/ своё невежество

the coast exhibited an unbroken line of cliffs - берег представлял собой цепь отвесных скал

2. 1) выставлять, экспонировать, показывать (на выставке)

to exhibit paintings [flowers] - экспонировать картины [цветы]

to exhibit goods in a shop-window - выставлять товары в витрине

to exhibit before the public - представить на всеобщее обозрение; открыть (галерею и т. п.) для публики

2) участвовать в выставке, выставляться

this artist exhibits in all art galleries - этот художник выставляется /выставляет свои картины/ во всех картинных галереях

3. предъявлять, представлять

to exhibit a charge - выдвинуть /предъявить/ обвинение

representatives who have exhibited their full powers - представители, предъявившие свои полномочия

4. юр. представлять вещественное доказательство
5. мед. давать, вводить, применять (лекарство и т. п.)

the patient should fast before chlorophorm is exhibited - хлороформ даётся больному натощак

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "exhibit" в других словарях:

  • Exhibit — est un Ajax qui permet la création de pages web dynamiques. Cette technologie fonctionne en utilisant du code HTML, du CSS et du JavaScript. Le visiteur n a aucun téléchargement à effectuer lorsqu il visite une page utilisant Exhibit et son… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • exhibit — ex·hib·it 1 vt 1: to submit (as a document) to a court or officer in the course of proceedings; also: to present or offer officially or in legal form 2: to present to view or display outwardly ex·hib·i·tor n exhibit 2 n 1 a …   Law dictionary

  • Exhibit A — is an Alternative metal band from Stoke on Trent, United KingdomBand historyExhibit A formed in 2000. The music is essentially extreme metal taking in other varied influences outside the genre. They have been featured in mainstream rock music… …   Wikipedia

  • Exhibit — Ex*hib it, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Exhibited}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Exhibiting}.] [L. exhibitus, p. p. of exhibere to hold forth, to tender, exhibit; ex out + habere to have or hold. See {Habit}.] 1. To hold forth or present to view; to produce publicly …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • exhibit A — exhibit A, the first or principal evidence produced in a law court: »Figurative. In jail they [defendants charged with conspiracy to incite a riot] will be martyrs, fueling the militant protest, serving as exhibit “A” in every radical… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Exhibit — Ex*hib it, n. 1. Any article, or collection of articles, displayed to view, as in an industrial exhibition; a display; as, this exhibit was marked A; the English exhibit. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) A document produced and identified in court for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Exhibit — may refer to:*Exhibit (legal), evidence in physical form brought before the court. *Exhibit (web editing tool), a lightweight structured data publishing framework. *An object or set of objects on show in a museum or gallery, typically in a… …   Wikipedia

  • exhibit — vb display, expose, *show, parade, flaunt Analogous words: *reveal, disclose, discover, divulge: *show, manifest, evidence, evince, demonstrate Contrasted words: *suppress, repress: *hide, conceal, secrete, bury …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • exhibit — [n] viewing; presentation display, exhibition, exposition, fair, illustration, model, performance, show; concepts 259,261 Ant. concealment, cover, hiding exhibit [v] put on view; present advertise, air, brandish, demonstrate, disclose, display,… …   New thesaurus

  • exhibit — [eg zib′it, igzib′it] vt. [ME exhibiten < L exhibitus, pp. of exhibere, to hold forth, present < ex , out + habere, to hold: see HABIT] 1. to present or expose to view; show; display 2. to present to public view for entertainment,… …   English World dictionary

  • exhibit — ► VERB 1) publicly display (an item) in an art gallery or museum. 2) show (a quality). 3) show as a sign or symptom. ► NOUN 1) an object or collection of objects on display in an art gallery or museum. 2) Law a document or other object produced… …   English terms dictionary

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