- executor
- [ıgʹzekjʋtə] n
1. см. execute + -er2. душеприказчик, исполнитель завещания3. редк. судебный исполнитель4. арх. палач
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Executor — Genre Combat lourd Type Super Destroyer Stellaire Constructeur Chantiers navals Kuat Chantiers navals Fondor[Note 1] Longueur 19 kilomètres … Wikipédia en Français
executor — ex·ec·u·tor /ig ze kyə tər/ n: a person named by a testator to execute or carry out the instructions in a will compare administrator Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
executor — EXECUTÓR, OÁRE, executori, oare, adj. Executant. ♢ (Substantivat) Executor testamentar = persoană însărcinată să aducă la îndeplinire dispoziţiile din testamentul cuiva. Executor judecătoresc = funcţionar însărcinat cu îndeplinirea unor acte de… … Dicționar Român
executor — executor( trix) /agzekatar/ A person appointed by a testator to carry out the directions and requests in his will, and to dispose of the property according to his testamentary provisions after his decease. In re Silverman s Estate, 6 Ill.App.3d… … Black's law dictionary
executor — executor( trix) /agzekatar/ A person appointed by a testator to carry out the directions and requests in his will, and to dispose of the property according to his testamentary provisions after his decease. In re Silverman s Estate, 6 Ill.App.3d… … Black's law dictionary
Executor — Ex*ec u*tor, n. [L. executor, exsecutor: cf. F. ex[ e]cuteur. Cf. {Executer}.] 1. One who executes or performs; a doer; as, an executor of baseness. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. An executioner. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Delivering o er to executors paw?… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
executor — |z...ô| adj. s. m. 1. Que ou aquele que executa. • s. m. 2. Carrasco. (Também se diz executor de alta justiça.) … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
executor — [ek′si kyo͞ot΄ər; ] for 2 [ eg zek′yo͞o tər, igzek′yə tər; eg zek′yətər, ig zek′yətər] n. [ME executour < OFr & ML executor, both < L executus, exsecutus, pp. of exequi, exsequi, to follow up, pursue < ex , intens. + sequi, to follow:… … English World dictionary
Execūtor — (lat.), Vollstrecker, Vollzieher. E. testamenti, Testamentsvollstrecker … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
executor — late 13c., from Anglo Fr. executour, from L. executorem/exsecutorem, agent noun from exsequi/exsequi (see EXECUTION (Cf. execution)). Fem. form executrix is attested from late 14c … Etymology dictionary
executor — meaning an official appointed to carry out the terms of a will, is pronounced with the stress on the second syllable. It should be distinguished from executioner, an official who carries out a sentence of death … Modern English usage