- excerpt
- 1. [ʹeksɜ:pt] n
1. отрывок; выдержка; выписка; цитата2. (отдельный) оттиск2. [ekʹsɜ:pt] vподбирать цитаты; выбирать отрывки; делать выдержки, выписки
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
excerpt — [n] citation; something taken from a whole extract, fragment, notation, note, part, passage, pericope, piece, portion, quotation, quote, saying, section, selection; concepts 270,274,835 Ant. insert, whole excerpt [v] take a part from a whole… … New thesaurus
Excerpt — Ex cerpt ([e^]k s[ e]rpt; 277), n. An extract; a passage selected or copied from a book or record. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Excerpt — Ex*cerpt ([e^]k*s[ e]rpt ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Excerpted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Excerpting}.] [From L. excerptus, p. p. See {Excerp}.] To select; to extract; to cite; to quote. [1913 Webster] Out of which we have excerpted the following particulars … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
excerpt — I noun citation, clipping, excerption, extract, part, passage, passage taken from a book, portion, quotation, quote, quoted passage, reference, representative selection, select passage, selection associated concepts: redact portions of a… … Law dictionary
excerpt — n *extract … New Dictionary of Synonyms
excerpt — ► NOUN ▪ a short extract from a film or piece of music or writing. ► VERB ▪ take (a short extract) from a text. ORIGIN from Latin excerpere pluck out … English terms dictionary
excerpt — [ek sʉrpt′, iksʉrpt; ] also, and for n., always [, ek′sʉrpt΄] vt. [< L excerptus, pp. of excerpere, to pick out, choose < ex , out + carpere, to pick, pluck < IE * kerp < base * (s)ker , to cut, scrape > HARVEST] to select, take… … English World dictionary
excerpt — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ brief, little, short ▪ lengthy, long ▪ Here is a rather lengthy excerpt from the essay. ▪ 5 minute … Collocations dictionary
excerpt — 01. I decided to buy the book after reading an [excerpt] in a magazine. 02. At my grandmother s funeral, my father read out an [excerpt] from a book that she loved. 03. The priest read an [excerpt] from the Bible at mass. 04. The students… … Grammatical examples in English
excerpt — I n. 1) to quote an excerpt 2) an excerpt from II v. (D; tr.) to excerpt from (to excerpt a passage from a work) * * * [ eksɜːpt] an excerpt from to quote anexcerpt (D; tr.) to excerpt from (to excerpt a passage from a work) … Combinatory dictionary
excerpt — {{11}}excerpt (n.) 1630s, from L. excerptum an extract, selection, neut. of pp. of excerpere (see EXCERPT (Cf. excerpt) (v.)). Related: excerpts. {{12}}excerpt (v.) early 15c. (implied in excerpte), from L. excerptus, pp. of excerpere pluck out,… … Etymology dictionary