
[ıkʹsepʃ(ə)nəl] a
1. исключительный, необычный

exceptional opportunity - исключительная /неповторимая/ возможность

exceptional issue - воен. особая выдача

exceptional load - спец. особый груз

exceptional article - воен. внеплановый предмет потребления (конфеты и т. п.)

an exceptional use of a word - необычное употребление слова

an exceptional number of rainy days - необычно много дождливых дней

2. незаурядный; выше среднего уровня

an exceptional violinist - скрипач с незаурядным талантом

an exceptional child - одарённый ребёнок

3. эвф. имеющий отклонение от нормы

schools for exceptional children - специальные (детские) школы (для неполноценных детей)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "exceptional" в других словарях:

  • exceptional — ex‧cep‧tion‧al [ɪkˈsepʆnəl] adjective 1. ACCOUNTING an exceptional cost etc is one that does not occur regularly: • a $34 million exceptional restructuring charge 2. very good, or much better than usual: • The last decade produced exceptional… …   Financial and business terms

  • excepţional — EXCEPŢIONÁL, Ă, excepţionali, e, adj. 1. Care face, care constituie o excepţie, care iese din comun; deosebit. 2. Foarte bun, excelent, extraordinar, remarcabil, grozav (3). ♦ (Adverbial; cu determinări introduse prin prep. de , formează… …   Dicționar Român

  • exceptional — exceptional, exceptionable These adjectives relate to different meanings of exception. Exceptional means ‘unusual, not typical’, i.e. ‘forming an exception’ in a favourable sense: • Schizophrenes are often held to be people of exceptional charm D …   Modern English usage

  • exceptional — exceptional, exceptionable, although not synonyms, are liable to confusion. Something is exceptional which is itself an exception, and so is out of the ordinary, being either extraordinary or unusual {this is an exceptional opportunity} {the bath …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Exceptional — Ex*cep tion*al, a. [Cf. F. exceptionnel.] Forming an exception; not ordinary; uncommon; rare; hence, better than the average; superior. Lyell. [1913 Webster] This particular spot had exceptional advantages. Jowett (Th. ) {Ex*cep tion*al*ly}, adv …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • exceptional — [adj1] irregular aberrant, abnormal, anomalous, atypical, deviant, distinct, extraordinary, inconsistent, infrequent, notable, noteworthy, odd, peculiar, phenomenal, rare, remarkable, scarce, singular, special, strange, uncommon, uncustomary,… …   New thesaurus

  • exceptional — [ek sep′shə nəl, iksep′shə nəl] adj. 1. constituting, or occurring as, an exception; not ordinary or average; esp., much above average in quality, ability, etc. [exceptional talents ] ☆ 2. needing special attention or presenting a special problem …   English World dictionary

  • exceptional — index atypical, best, extraordinary, individual, infrequent, irregular (not usual), notable, noteworthy …   Law dictionary

  • exceptional — 1846, from EXCEPTION (Cf. exception) + AL (Cf. al) (1). Related: exceptionally …   Etymology dictionary

  • exceptional — ► ADJECTIVE 1) unusual; not typical. 2) unusually good. DERIVATIVES exceptionally adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • exceptional — adj. VERBS ▪ be ▪ remain ▪ consider sb/sth ▪ The teacher considers Jamie s performance truly exceptional. ▪ do sth A …   Collocations dictionary

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