- exanthema
- [͵eksænʹθi:mə] n (pl тж. -mata) мед.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Exanthema — Ex an*the ma, n.; pl. {Exanthemata}. [L., fr. Gr.?, fr.? to burst forth as flowers, break out, as ulcers; ?, ?, out + anqei^n to bloom, a nqos flower: cf. F. exanth[ e]me.] (Med.) An efflorescence or discoloration of the skin; an eruption or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Exanthema — Exanthema, griech., Blüte; Hautausschlag … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
exanthema — /ɛksænˈθimə/ (say eksan theemuh) noun (plural exanthemata /ɛksænˈθimətə/ (say eksan theemuhtuh)) 1. Pathology an eruption or rash on the skin, especially one attended with fever. 2. See vesicular exanthema. {Late Latin, from Greek exanthēma a… …
exanthema — A skin eruption occurring as a symptom of an acute viral or coccal disease, as in scarlet fever or measles. SYN: exanthem. [G. efflorescence, an eruption, fr. anthos, flower] … Medical dictionary
exanthema — [ɪk sanθɪmə, ˌɛksan θi:mə] noun (plural exanthemata) Medicine a skin rash accompanying a disease or fever. Derivatives exanthematic adjective exanthematous adjective Origin C17: via late L. from Gk exanthēma eruption … English new terms dictionary
exanthema — n. Med. a skin rash accompanying any eruptive disease or fever. Etymology: LL f. Gk exanthema eruption f. exantheo (as EX (2), anthos blossom) … Useful english dictionary
exanthema subitum — exanthema su·bi·tum or exanthem subitum sə bīt əm n ROSEOLA INFANTUM * * * an acute, short lived disease of infants and young children, caused by human herpesvirus 6; after a high fever that lasta a few days, the temperature returns to normal;… … Medical dictionary
Exanthema subitum — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 B08.2 Exanthema subitum (Sechste Krankheit) … Deutsch Wikipedia
exanthema — noun see exanthem … New Collegiate Dictionary
exanthema — /eg zan thee meuh, ek san /, n., pl. exanthemata / them euh teuh, thee meuh /, exanthemas. exanthem. [1650 60] * * * … Universalium
exanthema — n. skin rash (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary