- evolutionism
- [͵i:və|ʹlu:ʃ(ə)nız(ə)m,͵evə{ʹlu:ʃ(ə)nız(ə)m}-] n
1. теория эволюции, эволюционизм2. филос. эволюционизм, теория эволюционного, постепенного развития
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
evoluţionism — EVOLUŢIONÍSM s.n. 1. Concepţie filozofică potrivit căreia Universul, Pământul, fiinţele vii, societatea etc. trec printr un proces istoric de evoluţie (dezvoltare) şi sunt privite din punctul de vedere al acestei dezvoltări. 2. (În sens restrâns) … Dicționar Român
evolutionism — evolutionism, evolutionary theory In the nineteenth century, evolutionism was a current of thought based on a biological analogy , but distinguished from Darwinian theory by its deterministic nature. Darwin s general theory of evolution claims… … Dictionary of sociology
Evolutionism — Ev o*lu tion*ism, n. The theory of, or belief in, evolution. See {Evolution}, 6 and 7. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Evolutionism — In the creation evolution controversy, those who accept the scientific theory of biological evolution by natural selection or genetic drift are often called evolutionists , and the theory of evolution itself is referred to as evolutionism by… … Wikipedia
evolutionism — evolutionist ► NOUN ▪ a person who believes in the theories of evolution and natural selection. DERIVATIVES evolutionism noun … English terms dictionary
evolutionism — noun see evolution … New Collegiate Dictionary
evolutionism — ev·o·lu·tion·ism (ĕv ə lo͞oʹshə nĭz əm, ē və ) n. 1. A theory of biological evolution, especially that formulated by Charles Darwin. 2. Advocacy of or belief in biological evolution. ev o·luʹtion·ist n. * * * … Universalium
evolutionism — noun a) Any of several theories that explain the evolution of systems or organisms. b) The advocacy of Darwinian evolution by natural selection (Darwinism). See Also: evolutionist … Wiktionary
evolutionism — Discredited late 19th and early 20th century doctrine associating the changes of evolution with a progressive view of social change, positive attitudes to competition and war, and justification of inequalities of power. See also evolutionary… … Philosophy dictionary
evoluţionísm — s. n. (sil. ţi o ) … Romanian orthography
evolutionism — n. theory of evolution … English contemporary dictionary