
[ʹi:vnıŋ] n
1. вечер

evening performance - вечернее представление

evening paper - вечерний выпуск (газеты)

evening clothes /wear/ см. evening dress

evening gown - вечернее, бальное платье (обыкн. декольтированное)

evening meal - ужин

evening wrap - манто, накидка (на вечернее платье)

evening parade - воен. вечернее построение

evening rise - мед. вечернее повышение температуры

evenings out - выходные вечера (у прислуги)

in the evening - вечером

on the evening of the 8th - вечером восьмого числа

on Sunday evening - в воскресенье вечером

this evening - сегодня вечером

toward the evening - к вечеру

2. закат

the sad evening of a stormy life - печальный закат бурной жизни

in the evening of life - когда жизнь клонится к закату

3. вечеринка, вечер (тж. evening party); вечерний приём (гостей)

to make an evening of it - весело провести вечер, повеселиться

good evening! - а) добрый вечер!; б) до свидания, всего хорошего! (при расставании вечером)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "evening" в других словарях:

  • Evening — E ven*ing, n. [AS. [=ae]fnung. See {even}, n., and cf. {Eve}.] 1. The latter part and close of the day, and the beginning of darkness or night; properly, the decline of the day, or of the sun. [1913 Webster] In the ascending scale Of heaven, the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Evening — is the period in which the daylight is decreasing, between the late afternoon and night, around the time when dinner is taken. Though the term is subjective, evening is typically understood to begin just before twilight, sunset, during the close… …   Wikipedia

  • Evening — イブニング …   Википедия

  • evening — from O.E. æfnung evening, sunset, verbal noun from æfnian become evening, grow toward evening, from æfen evening (see EVE (Cf. eve)). As a synonym of even (n.), it dates from mid 15c. and now entirely replaces the older word in this sense.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • evening — [ēv′niŋ] n. [ME < OE æfnung, verbal n. < æfnian, to grow toward evening < æfen, evening, akin to Ger abend, prob. < IE base * epi , * opi , after, later (> Gr epi, L ob): basic sense “later part of the day”] 1. the last part of the …   English World dictionary

  • evening — ► NOUN ▪ the period of time at the end of the day. ► ADVERB (evenings) informal ▪ in the evening; every evening. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • Evening — steht für: Spuren eines Lebens, einen US amerikanischen Spielfilm aus dem Jahr 2007 Evening (Magazin), ein japanisches Manga Magazin Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • evening — [n] latter part of a day black, close, dark, decline, dim, dusk, duskiness, early black*, eve, even, eventide, late afternoon, nightfall, sundown, sunset, twilight; concepts 801,806,810 Ant. morning …   New thesaurus

  • evening — noun 1 part of the day ADJECTIVE ▪ this, tomorrow, yesterday ▪ Friday, Saturday, etc. ▪ weekday (esp. BrE) ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • Evening 5 — is the news program made by Tokyo Broadcasting System, Inc.It has been broadcasted since March 28, 2005.Newscasters;Head Newscaster:* 〔A maternity leave from February 4, 2008〕:*JNN Evening NewsDuring 18:16 from 17:50, it is broadcasted as JNN… …   Wikipedia

  • evening — eve|ning1 W1S1 [ˈi:vnıŋ] n [: Old English; Origin: Afnung, from Afen evening ] 1.) [U and C] the early part of the night between the end of the day and the time you go to bed ▪ I do most of my studying in the evening . ▪ I m usually out on Friday …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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