- evangelic
- [͵i:vænʹdʒelık] a
1. евангельский2. (часто Evangelic) евангелический; протестантский
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Evangelic — E van*gel ic, a. [L. evangelicus, Gr. e yaggeliko s: cf. F. [ e]vang[ e]lique. See {Evangel}.] Belonging to, or contained in, the gospel; evangelical. Evangelic truth. J. Foster. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
evangelic — EVANGÉLIC, Ă adj. v. evanghelic. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
Evangelic Lyceum — Evangelic Lutheran Lyceum (Evanjelické lyceum) in Bratislava, Slovakia, was founded in 1606 by David Kilger as a Lutheran high school. Until 1656 was Evangelic Lyceum school with eight classes, two of them elementary school. Among its students,… … Wikipedia
evangelic — adjective see evangelical I … New Collegiate Dictionary
evangèlic — e|van|gè|lic Mot Pla Nom masculí … Diccionari Català-Català
evangelic — e·van·gel·ic || ‚iËvæn dÊ’elɪk adj. of the gospel, of the message of salvation contained in the New Testament … English contemporary dictionary
evangelic — a.; (also evangelical) 1. According to the gospel, consonant with the Gospels, founded on the New Testament. 2. Contained in the Gospels or the New Testament. 3. Earnest for the teachings of the Gospels, sound in the gospel, adhering to the… … New dictionary of synonyms
evangelic — evan·gel·ic … English syllables
evangelic — adj. = EVANGELICAL … Useful english dictionary
Evangelic Seminary of Puerto Rico — The Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico mdash;or Seminario Evangélico de Puerto Rico (SEPR) in Spanish mdash; is a mainline Protestant seminary in Río Piedras, Puerto Rico that offers graduate studies conducive to either a Master of Divinity or a … Wikipedia
tacto per se sancto evangelic — /tsktow par siy saerjktow avaenjiyl(i)yow/ Having personally touched the holy Gospel. The description of a corporal oath … Black's law dictionary