- ambisonics
- [͵æmbıʹsɒnıks] n
звукозапись, создающая «эффект присутствия»
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Ambisonics — is a series of recording and replay techniques using multichannel mixing technology that can be used live or in the studio. By encoding and decoding sound information on a number of channels, a 2 dimensional ( planar , or horizontal only) or 3… … Wikipedia
Ambisonics — (auch Ambisonic) ist ein Verfahren zur Aufnahme und Wiedergabe eines Klangfeldes. Diese Audiotechnologie wurde in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren in Großbritannien entwickelt und im Wesentlichen von Michael A. Gerzon und Peter Fellgett… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ambisonics® — /am bi sonˈiks/ singular noun A system of high fidelity sound reproduction using multiple channels, which electronically reproduces ambient sound as perceived by the human ear ORIGIN: ↑ambi … Useful english dictionary
ambisonics — ambisonic, adj. /am bi son iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) a system of sound reproduction that uses a combination of channels and speakers to produce an effect of surrounding the listener with the sound. [1970 75; AMBI + SON(IC) + ICS] * * * … Universalium
ambisonics — noun A form of stereo sound reproduction, using multiple speakers for each channel, that attempts to reproduce directional properties of the sound … Wiktionary
ambisonics — n.pl. a system of high fidelity sound reproduction designed to reproduce the directional and acoustic properties of the sound source using two or more channels. Etymology: L ambi on both sides + SONIC * * * ambisonic, adj. /am bi son iks/, n.… … Useful english dictionary
Ambisonic — Ambisonics (auch Ambisonic) ist ein Verfahren zur Aufnahme und Wiedergabe eines Klangfeldes. Diese Audiotechnologie wurde in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren in Großbritannien entwickelt und im Wesentlichen von Michael A. Gerzon und Peter Fellgett… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Surround sound — Surround sound, using multichannel audio, encompasses a range of techniques for enriching (expanding and deepening) the sound reproduction quality, of an audio source, with additional audio channels reproduced via additional, discrete speakers.… … Wikipedia
Ambisonic UHJ format — is a development of the Ambisonic surround sound system designed to allow Ambisonic recordings to be carried by mono and stereo compatible media. It is a hierarchy of systems in which the recorded soundfield will be reproduced with a degree of… … Wikipedia
Michael Gerzon — Born December 4, 1945(1945 12 04) Birmingham, UK Died May 6, 1996(1996 05 06) … Wikipedia
Ambisonic decoding — This is really the Ambisonic Speaker Decoder page. The Ambisonic B format WXYZ signals define what you should hear. How these signals are presented to you by the speakers for best results, depends on how many speakers you have and where they are … Wikipedia