- euterpean
- [ju:ʹtɜ:pıən] a возвыш.
музыкальный [см. тж. Euterpe]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Euterpean — Eu*ter pe*ana. Of or pertaining to Euterpe or to music. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
euterpean — eu·ter·pe·an … English syllables
euterpean — Related to music … Grandiloquent dictionary
euterpean — (ˈ)yü|tərpēən adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Latin Euterpe + English an : relating to the muse Euterpe or to music … Useful english dictionary
Euterpe — Euterpean, adj. /yooh terr pee/, n. Class. Myth. the Muse of music and lyric poetry. * * * ▪ Muse in Greek religion, one of the nine Muses, patron of tragedy or flute playing. In some accounts she was the mother of Rhesus, the king of… … Universalium
Charles Frederick Hempel — (1811–1867) was an organist and composer. Hempel, eldest son of Charles William Hempel, was born at Truro, Cornwall, in September 1811. Having under his father s care received a sound musical education, he became a teacher of music at Truro. In… … Wikipedia
Нью-Йорк — (New York) важнейший финансово экономич., промышленный, политич. и культурный, в т.ч. муз., центр США. 11 448,5 тыс. жит. с пригородами (1971). Зарождение муз. жизни в Н. Й. относится к нач. 18 в.; на протяжении более 2 веков её развитие… … Музыкальная энциклопедия
Pronunciación de los nombres de los asteroides — Anexo:Pronunciación de los nombres de los asteroides Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Esta página tiene la lista de la pronunciación en inglés de los primeros 1000 asteroides en ser numerados la mayoría del Cinturon de asteroides. Contenido 1 Lista… … Wikipedia Español
College literary societies — in American higher education were a distinctive kind of social organization, distinct from literary societies generally, and they were the precursors of college fraternities and sororities.[1] In the period from the late eighteenth century to the … Wikipedia
Euterpe — /juˈtɜpi/ (say yooh terpee) noun Classical Mythology the Muse of music and lyric poetry. {Latin, from Greek: literally, well pleasing} –Euterpean, adjective …