- euramerican
- [jʋ(ə)rəʹmerıkən] a
1. европейско-американский2. зоол., бот. встречающийся как на европейском, так и на американском континенте
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
euramerican — |yu̇r+ adjective or euro american |yu̇(ˌ)rō+ Usage: capitalized E & usually capitalized A after hyphen Etymology: Eur + American : common to Europe and America : occidental Euramerican flora culture patterns that are variants … Useful english dictionary
Euramerican — adjective see Euro American I … New Collegiate Dictionary
Euramerican — /yoor euh mer i keuhn, yerr /, adj. Euro American. [1940 45; EUR + AMERICAN] * * * … Universalium
euramerican — eur·american … English syllables
euro-american — I. Usage: usually capitalized E&A variant of euramerican II. adjective Usage: usually capitalized E&A 1. : western 1a b 2. : western 3 … Useful english dictionary
Eur|a|mer|i|can — «YUR uh MEHR uh kuhn», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. having to do with Europe and America taken together:»The technological equipment of Euramerican culture allows a far greater latitude in ways of living in the tropics than could ever be dreamed of… … Useful english dictionary
Eu|ro-A|mer|i|can — «YUR oh uh MEHR uh kuhn», adjective, noun. = Euramerican. (Cf. ↑Euramerican) … Useful english dictionary
Eur- — or Euro combining form Etymology: Europe European and < Euramerican > ; European < Eurocentric > ; western European < Eurocommunism > ; of the European Union < Eurocrat > … New Collegiate Dictionary
Euro-American — I. adjective or Euramerican Date: 1941 1. western 2a, b 2. western 3 II. noun Date: 1949 1. a person of both European and American ancestry 2. a. Anglo … New Collegiate Dictionary
Music of Utah — Music of the United States AK AL AR AS AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA GU HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA … Wikipedia
Glossopteris — Taxobox fossil range = Permian image width = 250px image caption = Fossil of the gymnosperm Glossopteris (dark green) found in all of the southern continents provide strong evidence that the continents were once joined domain = Eukaryota unranked … Wikipedia