- ethane
- [ʹi:θeın] n хим.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Éthane — Éthane … Wikipédia en Français
Ethane — Éthane Éthane Représentations de l éthane Général … Wikipédia en Français
éthane — [ etan ] n. m. • 1880; de éthyle ♦ Gaz combustible (C2H6), deuxième de la série des hydrocarbures saturés. L éthane est un des constituants du gaz naturel. ● éthane nom masculin (de éthyle) Hydrocarbure saturéCH3―CH3. (Gaz liquéfiable à − 84 °C,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
ETHANE — is a mnemonic indicating a protocol used by emergency services to report situations which they may be faced with, especially as it relates to major incidents [http://www.leslp.gov.uk/firstoff.htm] [www.wsh.nhs.uk/… … Wikipedia
ethane — eth ane ([e^]th [=a]n), n. [From {Ether}.] (Chem.) A gaseous hydrocarbon, {C2H6}, forming a constituent of ordinary illuminating gas. It is the second member of the paraffin series, and its most important derivatives are common alcohol (ethyl… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ethane — 1873, from ETHYL (Cf. ethyl) + ANE (Cf. ane) … Etymology dictionary
ethane — ► NOUN Chemistry ▪ a flammable hydrocarbon gas of the alkane series, present in petroleum and natural gas. ORIGIN from ETHER(Cf. ↑etheric) … English terms dictionary
ethane — [eth′ān΄; ] Brit usually [ ē′thān΄] n. [ ETH(YL) + ANE] an odorless, colorless, gaseous alkane, CH3CH3, found in natural gas and used as a refrigerant and in fuel mixtures … English World dictionary
Ethane — This article is about the chemical compound. For the emergency service protocol, see ETHANE. Ethane … Wikipedia
ethane — /eth ayn/, n. Chem. a colorless, odorless, flammable gas, C2H6, of the methane series, present in natural gas, illuminating gas, and crude petroleum: used chiefly in organic synthesis and as a fuel gas. Also called dimethyl. [1870 75; ETH(YL) +… … Universalium
ethane — etanas statusas T sritis chemija formulė CH₃CH₃ atitikmenys: angl. ethane rus. этан … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas