Смотреть что такое "estrum" в других словарях:
estrum — es·trum (esґtrəm) estrus … Medical dictionary
estrum — es·trum … English syllables
estrum — noun see estrus … Useful english dictionary
Estrous cycle — Oestrus is also the biological genus name of the gadfly. The estrous cycle (also oestrous cycle; derived from Latin oestrus and originally from Greek οἶστρος meaning sexual desire) comprises the recurring physiologic changes that are induced by… … Wikipedia
Przewalski's Gazelle — Taxobox name = Przewalski s Gazelle status = CR status system = iucn2.3 trend = down regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia ordo = Artiodactyla familia = Bovidae subfamilia = Antilopinae genus = Procapra species = P. przewalskii… … Wikipedia
estrus — estrual /es trooh euhl/, adj. /es treuhs/, n. Zool. 1. Also, estrum /es treuhm/, oestrus. the period of heat or rut; the period of maximum sexual receptivity of the female. 2. See estrous cycle. [1885 90; < L oestrus OESTRUS] * * * Period in the… … Universalium
estrus — That portion or phase of the sexual cycle of female animals characterized by willingness to permit coitus; readily detectable behavioral and other signs are exhibited by animals during this period. SYN: heat (3). [G. oistros, mad desire]… … Medical dictionary
Oesophagostomum — A genus of strongyle nematodes (subfamily Oesophagostominae) that encyst in the intestinal wall of herbivores and primates, causing nodular disease. Larvae appear to stimulate a host reaction in the intestinal wall, forming nodules in which the… … Medical dictionary
Abbaye des Dames d'Étrun — Présentation Culte Catholique romain Type Abbaye Début de la construction 800 Protection … Wikipédia en Français
heat — Synonyms and related words: John Law, Le Mans, a transient madness, abandon, activate, agitate, agitation, air race, anger, angriness, animate, annoy, ardency, ardor, arousal, arouse, automobile race, awake, awaken, bake, barbecue, baste, bicycle … Moby Thesaurus
rut — Synonyms and related words: alameda, be in heat, beat, beaten path, beaten track, berm, bezel, bicycle path, boardwalk, bridle path, bureaucracy, bureaucratism, canal, canalize, carve, catwalk, chamfer, channel, chase, chink, chinoiserie, chisel … Moby Thesaurus