
[ıʹstɒp(ə)l] n юр.
процессуальный отвод; лишение права возражения, лишение стороны права ссылаться на какие-л. факты или отрицать какие-л. факты

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать реферат

Смотреть что такое "estoppel" в других словарях:

  • Estoppel — in its broadest sense is a legal term referring to a series of legal and equitable doctrines that preclude a person from denying or asserting anything to the contrary of that which has, in contemplation of law, been established as the truth,… …   Wikipedia

  • estoppel — es·top·pel /e stä pəl/ n [probably from Middle French estoupail plug, stopper, from estouper to stop up see estop] 1: a bar to the use of contradictory words or acts in asserting a claim or right against another; esp: equitable estoppel in this… …   Law dictionary

  • Estoppel — (RP: [ɪˈstɒpəl], GenAm: [ɛˈstɑːpəl]; von engl. to estop, „unterbinden, verhindern“) ist ein Grundsatz im Verfahrens und materiellen Recht des Common Law, der die Durchsetzbarkeit eines zustehenden Anspruchs aufgrund von Handlungen des… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • estoppel — ● estoppel nom masculin Objection péremptoire qui s oppose à ce qu un État, partie à un procès, puisse contredire sa position antérieure. estoppel n. m. DR INTERN Exception procédurale applicable à un état faisant valoir des prétentions… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Estoppel — Es*top pel, n. [From {Estop}.] (Law) (a) A stop; an obstruction or bar to one s alleging or denying a fact contrary to his own previous action, allegation, or denial; an admission, by words or conduct, which induces another to purchase rights,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • estoppel — A person s own acts, statement of facts or acceptance of facts which preclude his later making claims to the contrary. (Dictionary of Canadian Bankruptcy Terms) United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms 2012 …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • estoppel — 1530s, from O.Fr. estopail bung, cork, from estoper (see ESTOP (Cf. estop)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • estoppel — [e stäp′əl] n. [OFr estoupail, stopper, bung < estoper: see ESTOP] the barring of a person, in a legal proceeding, from making allegations or denials which are contrary to either a previous statement or act by that person or a previous… …   English World dictionary

  • estoppel — /AstopAl/ Estoppel means that party is prevented by his own acts from claiming a right to detriment of other party who was entitled to rely on such conduct and has acted accordingly. Graham v. Asbury, 112 Ariz. 184, 540 P.2d 656, 658. A principle …   Black's law dictionary

  • estoppel — /AstopAl/ Estoppel means that party is prevented by his own acts from claiming a right to detriment of other party who was entitled to rely on such conduct and has acted accordingly. Graham v. Asbury, 112 Ariz. 184, 540 P.2d 656, 658. A principle …   Black's law dictionary

  • Estoppel — L estoppel est un principe juridique d origine anglaise (de common law) selon lequel une partie ne saurait se prévaloir de prétentions contradictoires au détriment de ses adversaires. L estoppel doit être utilisé comme un bouclier, et non comme… …   Wikipédia en Français

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