- essoign
- [eʹsɔın] = essoin I
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Essoign — Essoin Es*soin or Essoign Es*soign, n. [OF. essoine, essoigne, F. exoine, L. essonia, exonia; pref. ex (L. ex from) + sunnis, sunnia, sonia, hindrance, excuse. Cf. Icel. syn refusal, synja to deny, refuse, Goth. sunja truth, sunj[=o]n to justify … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
essoign day — That day of a term of court, which was called the essoign day of the term, upon which the court sat to take or hear essoigns. See 3 Bl Comm 278 … Ballentine's law dictionary
essoign — es·soign … English syllables
essoign — An excuse made to the court by a defendant who failed to appear according to the summons of a writ. See 3 Bl Comm 278 … Ballentine's law dictionary
essoign — … Useful english dictionary
essoign roll — The record of essoigns … Ballentine's law dictionary
Essoin — Es*soin or Essoign Es*soign, n. [OF. essoine, essoigne, F. exoine, L. essonia, exonia; pref. ex (L. ex from) + sunnis, sunnia, sonia, hindrance, excuse. Cf. Icel. syn refusal, synja to deny, refuse, Goth. sunja truth, sunj[=o]n to justify, OS.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Essoin day — Essoin Es*soin or Essoign Es*soign, n. [OF. essoine, essoigne, F. exoine, L. essonia, exonia; pref. ex (L. ex from) + sunnis, sunnia, sonia, hindrance, excuse. Cf. Icel. syn refusal, synja to deny, refuse, Goth. sunja truth, sunj[=o]n to justify … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apothecaries Act 1815 — The Apothecaries Act 1815 was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom (citation 55 Geo.lll, c.194) with the long title An Act for better regulating the Practice of Apothecaries throughout England and Wales . The Act introduced compulsory… … Wikipedia
vos — → votre ● votre, vos adjectif possessif (latin voster, variante de vester) Correspond à « de vous », avec toutes les relations impliquées par de (possession, appartenance, relation familiale, sociale, etc.) : J ai connu votre père. ● vot … Encyclopédie Universelle
votre — [ vɔtr ], plur. vos [ vo ] adj. poss. • vos 1080; vostre 980; lat. pop. °voster, class. vester ♦ Adjectif possessif de la deuxième personne du pluriel et des deux genres, correspondant au pronom personnel vous. I ♦ Qui vous appartient, a rapport… … Encyclopédie Universelle