
[ıʹsenʃ(ə)lız(ə)m] n
1. эссенциализм (педагогическая теория, отстаивающая традиционные методы обучения основам знаний)
2. филос. реализм; материализм

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "essentialism" в других словарях:

  • essentialism — (n.) 1939, from ESSENTIAL (Cf. essential) + ISM (Cf. ism). Related: Essentialist …   Etymology dictionary

  • essentialism — [e sen′shəliz΄əm, i sen′shəliz΄əm] n. Philos. a theory which stresses indispensable conceptual characteristics and relations of things as opposed to existence as particular experienced actuality essentialist n …   English World dictionary

  • Essentialism — In philosophy, essentialism is the view that, for any specific kind of entity, there is a set of characteristics or properties all of which any entity of that kind must possess. This view is contrasted with non essentialism which states that for… …   Wikipedia

  • essentialism — The doctrine that it is correct to distinguish between those properties of a thing, or kind of thing, that are essential to it, and those that are merely accidental . Essential properties are ones that it cannot lose without ceasing to exist.… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • essentialism — essentialist, n., adj. /euh sen sheuh liz euhm/, n. Educ. a doctrine that certain traditional concepts, ideals, and skills are essential to society and should be taught methodically to all students, regardless of individual ability, need, etc. Cf …   Universalium

  • essentialism — noun Date: 1927 1. an educational theory that ideas and skills basic to a culture should be taught to all alike by time tested methods compare progressivism 2. a philosophical theory ascribing ultimate reality to essence embodied in a thing… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • essentialism — noun The view that objects have properties that are essential to them. See Also: essentialist …   Wiktionary

  • essentialism — эссенциализм …   Термины гендерных исследований

  • essentialism — A philosophical term which has been used in a variety of ways. According to Karl Popper (Conjectures and Refutations, 1969), essentialists make the twin claims that it is possible to establish definitively the truth of a scientific theory, and… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • essentialism — n. belief that all things have intrinsic properties that can be discovered by reason (Philosophy); theory that promotes teaching specific fundamental subjects and skills to all students (Education) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Essentialism — the belief and practice centered on a philosophical claim that for any specific kind of entity it is at least theoretically possible to specify a finite list of characteristics, all of which any entity must have to belong to the group defined …   Mini philosophy glossary

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