- eskimo dog
- [ʹeskıməʋʹdɒg]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Eskimo dog — Eskimo Es ki*mo, n.; pl. {Eskimos}. [Originally applied by the Algonquins to the Northern Indians, and meaning eaters of raw flesh.] (Ethnol.) One of a peculiar race inhabiting Arctic America and Greenland. In many respects the Eskimos resemble… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Eskimo dog — n. any of several large, strong dogs of the Arctic regions of E Asia and North America, characterized by erect ears, a heavy coat, and a wolflike appearance, used especially for pulling sleds … English World dictionary
Eskimo dog — 1. one of a breed of strong, medium sized dogs having a dense, coarse coat, used in arctic regions for hunting and pulling sleds. 2. any dog of the arctic regions of North America used for pulling sleds. Also called husky. [1865 75] * * * Breed… … Universalium
Eskimo dog — noun breed of heavy coated Arctic sled dog • Syn: ↑husky • Hypernyms: ↑working dog * * * noun Usage: usually capitalized E 1. : a broad chested powerful dog of a breed native to Greenland and Labrador, where it was developed as a sled dog and… … Useful english dictionary
Eskimo dog — An Eskimo dog might refer to: * One of the dog breeds Canadian Eskimo Dog (but never American Eskimo Dog, which is unrelated to the Eskimos) * One of various breeds of huskies … Wikipedia
ESKIMO DOG — a dog found among the Eskimo, about the size of a pointer, hair thick, and of a dark grey or black and white; half tamed, but strong and sagacious; invaluable for sledging … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Eskimo dog — Es′kimo dog n. 1) dch one of a breed of strong, medium sized dogs with a dense, coarse coat, used in arctic regions for hunting and pulling sleds 2) dch any dog of the arctic regions of North America used for pulling sleds Also called husky III,… … From formal English to slang
Eskimo dog — noun Date: 1774 a sled dog of American origin … New Collegiate Dictionary
Eskimo dog — /ˈɛskəmoʊ dɒg/ (say eskuhmoh dog) noun one of a breed of strong dogs used by Inuit people to draw sledges …
eskimo dog — n. breed of big powerfuldog with upright ears and thick fur that is used to pull sleds in Arctic areas … English contemporary dictionary
American Eskimo Dog — Infobox Dogbreed image caption = The American Eskimo Dog has a trademark white coat and triangular, pointed ears name = American Eskimo altname = American Spitz American Deutscher Spitz [ [http://www.trainpetdog.com/American Eskimo/about american … Wikipedia