- escallop
- [eʹskɒləp,eʹskæləp] n
1. зоол. гребешок (Pecten)2. escallop-shell 23. зубец (в орнаменте и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Escallop — Es*cal lop, n. See {Escalop}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
escallop — late 15c., from M.Fr. escalope shell, from a Germanic source (see SCALLOP (Cf. scallop)). For initial e , see ESPECIAL (Cf. especial) … Etymology dictionary
escallop — or escalop [e skäl′əp, eskal′əp] n., vt. [OFr escalope, a shell: see SCALLOP] SCALLOP … English World dictionary
escallop shell — noun see escallop II … Useful english dictionary
escallop — /e skol euhp, e skal /, v.t. 1. to bake (food cut into pieces) in a sauce or other liquid, often with crumbs on top; scallop. 2. to bake (fish, potatoes, etc.) in scallop shells. n. 3. scallop. 4. Heraldry. a representation of a scallop shell,… … Universalium
escallop — noun a) A thin slice of meat (especially of veal) normally shallow fried b) A scallop … Wiktionary
escallop — n. variety of bivalve shellfish with a fluted shell; one of a series of curved projections forming a border; furrowed or fluted pattern v. bake pieces of food in a liquid (often with a bread crumb topping) … English contemporary dictionary
escallop — collapse … Anagrams dictionary
escallop — [ɪ skaləp, ɛ , skɒl ] noun 1》 variant spelling of escalope. 2》 another term for scallop (in sense 2). 3》 Heraldry a scallop shell as a charge. verb (escallops, escalloping, escalloped … English new terms dictionary
escallop — es·cal·lop … English syllables
escallop — es•cal•lop [[t]ɛˈskɒl əp, ɛˈskæl [/t]] v. t. 1) coo to bake (food) in a sauce, milk, etc., often with breadcrumbs on top; scallop 2) coo scallop • Etymology: 1425–75; late ME < MF, OF escalope … From formal English to slang