- erythrean
1> красный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Erythrean — Er y*thre an, Erythraean Er y*thr[ae] an, a. [L. erythraeus; Gr. ?, fr. eryqro s red.] Red in color. The erythrean main. Milton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
erythrean — a. red. ♦ erythraemia, n. excessive production of red blood corpuscles. ♦ erythrism, erythrochroism, n. excessive redness of hair, etc. ♦ erythrocyte, n. red blood corpuscle. ♦ erythrodermia, n. reddening of skin. ♦ erythroid, a … Dictionary of difficult words
erythrean — adjective see erythraean II … Useful english dictionary
ERYTHREAN SEA — a name of the Red Sea … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Erythraean — Erythrean Er y*thre an, Erythraean Er y*thr[ae] an, a. [L. erythraeus; Gr. ?, fr. eryqro s red.] Red in color. The erythrean main. Milton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mediterranean Sea — Mediterranean redirects here. For other uses, see Mediterranean (disambiguation). Mediterranean sea redirects here. For the oceanographical term, see Mediterranean sea (oceanography). Mediterranean Sea Composite satellite ima … Wikipedia
Suez Canal — Suez Canal, as seen from Earth orbit Original owner Suez Canal Company (Compagnie Universelle du Canal Maritime de Suez) Construction began … Wikipedia
Nahapana — Western Satrap Silver coin of Nahapana, with ruler profile and pseudo Greek legend PANNIΩ ΞAHAPATAC NAHAΠANAC , transliteration of the Prakrit Raño Kshaharatasa Nahapanasa: King Kshaharata Nahapana . (55–100 CE). British M … Wikipedia
Kambojas and Cambodia — Cambodia or Kambodia is the English transliteration of the French name Kambodge , which name stands for Sanskrit Kamboja (Persian Kambujiya or Kambaujiya ). In Chinese historical accounts, the land was known as Chenla. The ancient inscriptions of … Wikipedia
History of cartography — The Fra Mauro map, one of the greatest memorial of medieval cartography, was made around 1450 by the Venetian monk Fra Mauro. It is a circular world map drawn on parchment and set in a wooden frame, about two meters in diameter Cartography (from… … Wikipedia
Lessepsian migration — (also called Erythrean invasion) is the ongoing migration of marine species across the Suez Canal, usually from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, more rarely in the opposite direction. It is named after Ferdinand de Lesseps, the engineer in… … Wikipedia