Смотреть что такое "erogenic" в других словарях:
erogenic — adjective erogenous … Wiktionary
erogenic — er·o·gen·ic || ‚erəʊ dÊ’enɪk adj. sensitive to sexual stimulation … English contemporary dictionary
erogenic — er·o·gen·ic … English syllables
erogenic — adjective see erogenous … Useful english dictionary
Navel — For other uses, see Navel (disambiguation). Belly button redirects here. For other uses, see Belly button (disambiguation). Navel Human innie navel … Wikipedia
erogenous — erogeneity /i roj euh nee i tee/, n. /i roj euh neuhs/, adj. 1. especially sensitive to sexual stimulation, as certain areas of the body: erogenous zones. 2. arousing or tending to arouse sexual desire; sexually stimulating. Also, erogenic /er… … Universalium
Western sculpture — ▪ art Introduction three dimensional artistic forms produced in what is now Europe and later in non European areas dominated by European culture (such as North America) from the Metal Ages (Europe, history of) to the present. Like… … Universalium
sexual hallucination — Also known as erotic hallucination. The term sexual hallucination is used in a general sense to denote a type of hallucination that is sexually charged, such as a * visual hallucination depicting an alluring man or woman, a * verbal auditory… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
tactile hallucination — Also known as tactile phantasma, haptic hallucination, touch hallucination, and hallucination of touch. The term tactile hallucination is indebted to the Latin verb tangere, which means to touch. It refers to a bodily sensation seemingly… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
amorous — Synonyms and related words: amative, amatory, aphrodisiac, ardent, carnal, desirous, enamored, erogenic, erogenous, erotic, erotogenic, fleshly, gamic, heterosexual, impassioned, infatuated, lascivious, libidinal, loverlike, loverly, lustful,… … Moby Thesaurus
carnal — Synonyms and related words: Adamic, Circean, Philistine, amorous, animal, animalistic, aphrodisiomaniacal, backsliding, bawdy, beastlike, beastly, bestial, bodily, brutal, brute, brutish, carnal minded, clitoromaniacal, coarse, concupiscent,… … Moby Thesaurus