
1. [ʹɜ:mın] n
1. 1) зоол. горностай (Mustela erminea)
2) мех горностая

ermine skin - горностаевая шкурка

ermine tips - горностаевые хвостики

ermine white - белоснежный

3) тж. pl отделка или одеяние из горностая
2. символ неподкупности судей; тж. символ достоинства пэров Англии (их мантии оторочены мехом горностая)

to assume [to wear] the ermine - стать [быть] судьёй

he was robed in ermine - его сделали судьёй или пэром

dispute between silk and ermine - спор между адвокатом и судьёй

3. геральд. горностаевый мех (чёрные мушки и по белому полю)
2. [ʹɜ:mın] v
облачать в горностай, делать судьёй или пэром [см. ermine I 2]

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "ermine" в других словарях:

  • Ermine — Er mine, n. [OF. ermine, F. hermine, prob. of German origin; cf. OHG. harmo, G. hermelin, akin to Lith. szarm?, szarmonys, weasel, cf. AS. hearma; but cf. also LL. armelinus, armellina, hermellina, and pellis Armenia, the fur of the Armenian rat …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ermine — [ʉr′min] n. pl. ermines or ermine [ME & OFr ermin; OFr ermine, hermine, prob. < MHG hermin, erminelike < harme, ermine < OHG harmo, weasel (OE hearma): infl. by folk etym. assoc. with L ( mus) Armenius, Armenian (mouse)] 1. any of… …   English World dictionary

  • ermine — late 12c., from O.Fr. ermine (12c., Mod.Fr. hermine), both the animal and the fur, apparently from a convergence of L. (mus) Armenius Armenian (mouse), ermines being abundant in Asia Minor; and an unrelated Germanic word for weasel (Cf. O.H.G.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Ermine — Er mine, v. t. To clothe with, or as with, ermine. [1913 Webster] The snows that have ermined it in the winter. Lowell. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ermine — f English: in origin perhaps a variant of HERMINE (SEE Hermine), but strongly influenced in popularity by association with the name of the fur (Old French ermine, medieval Latin armēnius (mūs) Armenian mouse) …   First names dictionary

  • ermine — Ermine, Mus ponticus. Vide Harmol. Corol …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • ermine — ► NOUN (pl. same or ermines) 1) a stoat. 2) the white winter fur of the stoat, used for trimming the ceremonial robes of judges or peers. ORIGIN Old French hermine, probably from Latin mus Armenius Armenian mouse …   English terms dictionary

  • Ermine — Taxobox name = Ermine (or Stoat) status = LR/lc | status system = IUCN2.3 regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia ordo = Carnivora familia = Mustelidae subfamilia = Mustelinae genus = Mustela species = M. erminea binomial = Mustela …   Wikipedia

  • ermine — ermined, adj. /err min/, n., pl. ermines, (esp. collectively) ermine, adj. n. 1. an Old World weasel, Mustela erminea, having in its winter color phase a white coat with black at the tip of the tail. Cf. stoat. 2. any of various weasels having a… …   Universalium

  • ermine — /ˈɜmən / (say ermuhn) noun (plural ermines, ermine) 1. the white colour phase of Mustela erminea, a small carnivore of the weasel family found in Europe, Asia and North America; the brown colour phase is called the stoat. Compare stoat. 2. the… …  

  • ermine — noun (plural ermines) Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French hermin, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German harmo weasel Date: 12th century 1. or plural ermine a. any of several weasels whose coats become white in winter usually with… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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