absentee voter

absentee voter
голосующий заочно (по почте)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "absentee voter" в других словарях:

  • absentee voter — one who votes by absentee ballot because he is unable to vote at his regular polling place on an election day (usually by mail) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • absentee voter — noun : absent voter …   Useful english dictionary

  • absentee vote — absentee voter. a vote cast by a person who, because of absence from usual voting district, illness, or the like, has been permitted to vote by mail. [1930 35, Amer.] * * * absentee vote UK US noun [countable] [singular absentee vote plural… …   Useful english dictionary

  • absentee ballot — ☆ absentee ballot n. a preelection ballot to be marked and delivered to a board of elections by a person (absentee voter) unable to be at the polls at election time …   English World dictionary

  • absentee vote — absentee voter. a vote cast by a person who, because of absence from usual voting district, illness, or the like, has been permitted to vote by mail. [1930 35, Amer.] * * * …   Universalium

  • Absentee ballot — An absentee ballot is a vote cast by someone who is unable or unwilling to attend the official polling station. Numerous methods have been devised to facilitate this. Increasing the ease of access to absentee ballots are seen by many as one way… …   Wikipedia

  • absentee — [[t]æ̱bs(ə)nti͟ː[/t]] absentees 1) N COUNT An absentee is a person who is expected to be in a particular place but who is not there. 2) ADJ: ADJ n Absentee is used to describe someone who is not there to do a particular job in person. Absentee… …   English dictionary

  • voter — I (Roget s IV) n. Syn. elector, balloter, registered voter, member of a constituency, member of the electorate; part of the farm vote, labor vote, urban vote, etc.; vote caster, absentee voter, native, naturalized citizen, poll tax payer,… …   English dictionary for students

  • absentee ballot — absentee bal·lot n: a ballot submitted (as by mail) in advance of an election by a voter who is unable to be present at the polls Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. absentee ballot …   Law dictionary

  • Voter registration — is the requirement in some democracies for citizens and residents to check in with some central registry specifically for the purpose of being allowed to vote in elections. An effort to get people to register is known as a voter registration… …   Wikipedia

  • Absentee ballot — absentee bal·lot n: a ballot submitted (as by mail) in advance of an election by a voter who is unable to be present at the polls Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. Absentee ballot …   Law dictionary

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