- epithalamia
- [͵epıθəʹleımıə] pl от epithalamium
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Epithalamia — Epithalamium Ep i*tha*la mi*um, n.; pl. {Epithalamiums}, L. {Epithalamia}. [L., fr. Gr. ?, orig. an adj., nuptial; epi upon, at + ? bride chamber.] A nuptial song, or poem in honor of the bride and bridegroom. [1913 Webster] The kind of poem… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
epithalamia — n. wedding poem, poem praising the bride and groomn. song or poem in honor of a bride and groom … English contemporary dictionary
epithalamium — [ep΄i thə lā′mēän΄, ep΄i thə lā′mēən] n. pl. epithalamia [ep΄i thə lā′mēəep΄i thə lā′mē əm] n. epithalamiums or epithalamia [ep΄i thə lā′mēə] [L < Gr epithalamion < epithalamios, nuptial < epi , at + thalamos, bridal chamber < IE base … English World dictionary
Giambattista Bodoni — (né le 16 février 1740 à Saluzzo, dans la province de Coni, dans le Piémont mort le 30 novembre 1813 à Parme) était un graveur, imprimeur et typographe italien de la fin … Wikipédia en Français
ALLOCUTIONES Sponsales — dicebantur olim Epithalamia; quibus Sponsos ipsos Auctor alloquebatur. Cuiusmodi est illud Gallieni apud Trebellium Pollionem in Gallienis, c. 11. de quo ita hic auctor: Fuit Gallienus oratione, poemate atque omnibus arlibus clarus. Huius est… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Epithalamium — Ep i*tha*la mi*um, n.; pl. {Epithalamiums}, L. {Epithalamia}. [L., fr. Gr. ?, orig. an adj., nuptial; epi upon, at + ? bride chamber.] A nuptial song, or poem in honor of the bride and bridegroom. [1913 Webster] The kind of poem which was called… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Epithalamiums — Epithalamium Ep i*tha*la mi*um, n.; pl. {Epithalamiums}, L. {Epithalamia}. [L., fr. Gr. ?, orig. an adj., nuptial; epi upon, at + ? bride chamber.] A nuptial song, or poem in honor of the bride and bridegroom. [1913 Webster] The kind of poem… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
epithalamium — or epithalamion noun (plural miums or epithalamia) Etymology: Latin & Greek; Latin epithalamium, from Greek epithalamion, from epi + thalamos room, bridal chamber; perhaps akin to Greek tholos rotunda Date: 1588 a song or poem in honor of a bride … New Collegiate Dictionary
Catullus — For persons with a cognomen Catulus , see Lutatius Gaius Valerius Catullus (ca. 84 BC ndash; ca. 54 BC) was a Roman poet of the 1st century BC. His work remains widely studied, and continues to influence poetry and other forms of art.… … Wikipedia
Sappho — For other uses, see Sappho (disambiguation). Bust inscribed Sappho of Eressos, Roman copy of a Greek original of the 5th century BC. Sappho ( … Wikipedia
Epode — Epode, in verse, is the third part of an ode, which followed the strophe and the antistrophe, and completed the movement.At a certain point in time the choirs, which had previously chanted to right of the altar or stage, and then to left of it,… … Wikipedia