- epileptic
- 1. [͵epıʹleptık] n
эпилептик; страдающий падучей болезнью2. [͵epıʹleptık] a мед.1. эпилептический
epileptic attack /fit, seizure/ - эпилептический припадок
2. страдающий эпилепсией
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
epileptic attack /fit, seizure/ - эпилептический припадок
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
epileptic — EPILÉPTIC, Ă, epileptici, ce, adj., s.m şi f. 1. adj. Cu caracter de epilepsie; asemănător cu manifestările epilepsiei; năbădăios. 2. S.m şi f., adj. (Persoană) bolnavă de epilepsie. – Din fr. épileptique, lat. epilepticus. Trimis de viomih,… … Dicționar Român
Epileptic — Ep i*lep tic, a. [L. epilepticus, Gr. ? : cf. F. [ e]pileptique.] Pertaining to, affected with, or of the nature of, epilepsy. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Epileptic — Ep i*lep tic, n. 1. One affected with epilepsy. [1913 Webster] 2. A medicine for the cure of epilepsy. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
epileptic — c.1600 (adj.); 1650s (n.), from Fr. épileptique, from L.L. epilepticus, from Gk. epileptikos, from epilambanein (see EPILEPSY (Cf. epilepsy)). Earlier adjective was epilentic (late 14c.), from a Greek variant … Etymology dictionary
epileptic — [ep΄ə lep′tik] adj. [Fr épileptique < L epilepticus < Gr epilēptikos] 1. of, like, or having the nature of epilepsy 2. having epilepsy n. a person who has epilepsy epileptically adv … English World dictionary
epileptic — [[t]e̱pɪle̱ptɪk[/t]] epileptics 1) ADJ GRADED Someone who is epileptic suffers from epilepsy. He was epileptic and refused to take medication for his condition. N COUNT An epileptic is someone who is epileptic. His wife is an epileptic. 2) ADJ:… … English dictionary
epileptic — I UK [ˌepɪˈleptɪk] / US adjective caused by epilepsy an epileptic seizure II UK [ˌepɪˈleptɪk] / US noun [countable] Word forms epileptic : singular epileptic plural epileptics someone who suffers from epilepsy … English dictionary
epileptic — adjective Date: 1605 relating to, affected with, or having the characteristics of epilepsy < an epileptic seizure > • epileptic noun • epileptically adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
epileptic — ep|i|lep|tic1 [ˌepıˈleptık] adj caused by epilepsy ▪ He had an epileptic fit . epileptic 2 epileptic2 n someone who has epilepsy … Dictionary of contemporary English
epileptic — ep|i|lep|tic1 [ ,epı leptık ] adjective caused by epilepsy: an epileptic seizure epileptic ep|i|lep|tic 2 [ ,epı leptık ] noun count someone who suffers from epilepsy … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
epileptic — Relating to, characterized by, or suffering from epilepsy. * * * ep·i·lep·tic .ep ə lep tik adj relating to, affected with, or having the characteristics of epilepsy ep·i·lep·ti·cal·ly ti k(ə )lē adv epileptic n one affected with epilepsy * * *… … Medical dictionary