- epilate
- [ʹepıleıt] v мед.
удалять волосы с корнем
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
epilate — epilation, n. epilator, n. /ep euh layt /, v.t., epilated, epilating. to remove (hair) from by means of physical, chemical, or radiological agents; depilate. [1885 90; < F épil(er) ( < L e E + pil(us) hair + er inf. suffix) + ATE1] * * * … Universalium
epilate — verb To remove hair from the body by mechanical, chemical or other means. Syn: depilate … Wiktionary
epilate — To extract a hair; to remove the hair from a part by forcible extraction, electrolysis, or loosening at the root by chemical means. Cf.:depilate. [L. e, out, + pilus, a hair] * * * ep·i·late (epґĭ lāt) depilate … Medical dictionary
epilate — v. remove hair … English contemporary dictionary
epilate — ep•i•late [[t]ˈɛp əˌleɪt[/t]] v. t. lat•ed, lat•ing med to remove (hair) from by means of physical, chemical, or radiological agents; depilate • Etymology: 1885–90; < F épil(er) (< L ē e + F piler, v. der. of L pilus hair) + ate I ep… … From formal English to slang
epilate — /ˈɛpəleɪt/ (say epuhlayt) verb (t) (epilated, epilating) to pluck out, remove (hair); depilate. {combination of French épil(er) + ate1, modelled on depilate} –epilation /ɛpəˈleɪʃən/ (say epuh layshuhn), noun –epilator, noun …
epilate — v.t. remove (hair). ♦ epilation, n … Dictionary of difficult words
epilate — v.tr. remove hair from. Derivatives: epilation n. Etymology: F eacutepiler (cf. DEPILATE) … Useful english dictionary
depilate — To remove hair by any means. Cf.:epilate. [L. de pilo, pp. atus, to deprive of hair, fr. de neg. + pilo, to grow hair] * * * dep·i·late (depґĭ lāt) [de + pilus (def. 2)] to remove hair from; called also epilate … Medical dictionary
Elagabalus — Infobox Roman emperor title = Emperor of the Roman Empire name = Elagabalus full name = Varius Avitus Bassianus (from birth to accession); Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus (as emperor) caption = Bust of Elagabalus, from the Capitoline… … Wikipedia
Hair — For other uses, see Hair (disambiguation). Hairy redirects here. For individuals nicknamed the Hairy , see List of people known as the Hairy. Hair Cross section of a hair Latin unguis … Wikipedia