- epigoni
- [eʹpıgənaı] n pl миф.
эпигоны (мстители за отцов)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Epigoni — EPIGŎNI, órum, Gr. Ἐπίγονοι, ων. 1 §. Namen. Diesen haben sie von ἐπὶ, nach, und γίγνομαι, ich werde geboren, daher sie gleichsam so viel, als Nachhergeborene heißen, jedoch nennet man sie auch ἐπιγινόμενοι, Eratosth. ap. Muncker. ad Hygin. Fab.… … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
Epigoni — This is an article about the Greek myth. For the epic on the subject, see Epigoni (epic). For the play by Sophocles, see The Progeny. For the successors of Alexander the Great (also called Epigoni) see Diadochi In Greek mythology, Epigoni (Greek… … Wikipedia
Epigoni (epic) — Epigoni (Greek: Επίγονοι, Epigonoi The Progeny ) was an early Greek epic, a sequel to the Thebaid and therefore grouped in the Theban cycle. Some ancient authors seem to have considered it a part of the Thebaid and not a separate poem. [For… … Wikipedia
EPIGONI dicti sunt authores secundi belli Thebani — quasi fetus illorum, qui primum confecerant bellum. Graece ἡ γονὴ soetus appellatur, et qui post gignitur, Ε᾿πίγονος. Inde Eutipides Tragoediam hoc argumento compositam Epigonos seripsit. Sunt qui existimant, Epigonos apud Strabonem esse populos … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
EPIGONI — (the Descendants), the name given to the sons of the Seven who perished before Thebes; they avenged the death of their fathers by razing Thebes to the ground; the war first and last has been made the subject of epic and tragic poems … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
epigoni — ep·i·gone || epɪgəʊn n. mediocre imitator of a major artist (writer, painter, etc.); ardent fan, enthusiastic supporter (of a major artist) … English contemporary dictionary
Epigoni — /əˈpɪgənaɪ/ (say uh piguhnuy) plural noun See Seven against Thebes. {Greek: descendants} …
Diomedes — This article is about the hero of the Trojan War. For other uses, see Diomedes (disambiguation). Diomedes, King of Argos a statue by Kresilas from ca. 430 BC. Glyptothek, München … Wikipedia
ep|i|gone — «EHP uh gohn», noun. a person who belongs to a later generation; a successor or descendant, especially one who tries unsuccessfully to emulate his forerunners: »He is one of a small group of epigones left over from the dying enthusiasms of the… … Useful english dictionary
Sophocles — For the screenwriting software, see Sophocles (software). Sophocles Bust of Sophocles Born 497/496 BC Colonus Died 406/405 BC … Wikipedia
Alcmaeon (mythology) — In Greek mythology, Alcmaeon, or Alkmáon, was the son of Amphiaraus and Eriphyle. As one of the Epigoni, he was a leader of the Argives who attacked Thebes, taking the city in retaliation for the deaths of their fathers, the Seven Against Thebes … Wikipedia