- epaulet epaulette
epaulet, epaulette
1> эполет
to win one's epaulet, epaulettes заслужить эполеты, получить
офицерское звание за боевое отличие
2> _ист. оплечье лат
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Epaulette — (PronEng|ˈɛpǝlɛt [http://www.bartleby.com/61/wavs/21/E0172100.wav] ) is a French word meaning little shoulder (from épaule , meaning shoulder ). Epaulettes are a type of ornamental shoulder piece or decoration used as insignia or rank by the… … Wikipedia
epaulette — epaulet UK [ˌepəˈlet] / US or epaulette UK / US noun [countable] Word forms epaulet : singular epaulet plural epaulets a decoration worn on the shoulder of a shirt, jacket, or coat, especially by a soldier as part of a uniform … English dictionary
Epaulet — (af fransk épaulette) var oprindelig beskyttelsesmiddel for skuldrene, men anvendes nu som prydelse og distinktion for officerer af hær og flåde samt for enkelte højere civilembedsmænd. Epaulet er af fransk oprindelse. Den indførtes i midten af… … Danske encyklopædi
Epaulette — Epaulet Ep au*let , Epaulette Ep au*lette , n. [F. [ e]paulette, dim. of [ e]paule shoulder, fr. L. spatula a broad piece (LL., shoulder), dim. of spatha abroad, flat instrument, fr. Gr. ?, also, a broad rib, shoulder blade. See {Spade} the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
epaulet — or epaulette [ep΄ə let′, ep′ə let΄] n. [Fr épaulette, dim. of épaule, shoulder < OFr espale < L spatula: see SPATULA] 1. a shoulder ornament for certain uniforms, esp. military uniforms 2. an ornamental strip or tab on the shoulder of a… … English World dictionary
epaulet — UK [ˌepəˈlet] / US or epaulette UK / US noun [countable] Word forms epaulet : singular epaulet plural epaulets a decoration worn on the shoulder of a shirt, jacket, or coat, especially by a soldier as part of a uniform … English dictionary
Epaulet — Ep au*let , Epaulette Ep au*lette , n. [F. [ e]paulette, dim. of [ e]paule shoulder, fr. L. spatula a broad piece (LL., shoulder), dim. of spatha abroad, flat instrument, fr. Gr. ?, also, a broad rib, shoulder blade. See {Spade} the instrument,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
epaulet — 1783, from Fr. épaulette (16c.), dim. of épaule shoulder, from O.Fr. espaule (12c.), from L. spatula flat piece of wood, splint, later shoulder blade, dim. of spatha broad wooden instrument, broad sword, from Gk. spathe a broad flat sword (see… … Etymology dictionary
epaulette — (US also epaulet) ► NOUN ▪ an ornamental shoulder piece on a military uniform. ORIGIN French, little shoulder … English terms dictionary
Epaulette mate — Chess diagram|= tright| =8 | | | |rd|kd|rd| | |=7 | |pd| | | | | | |=6 | | |pd| |ql| | | |=5 | | | | | | | | |=4 | | | | | | | | |=3 | |pl| | | | | | |=2 |pl| |pl| | | | | |=1 | |kl| | | | | | |= a b c d e f g h An archetypal Epaulette… … Wikipedia
epaulet — also epaulette noun Etymology: French épaulette, diminutive of épaule shoulder, from Old French espalle, from Late Latin spatula shoulder blade, spoon, diminutive of Latin spatha spoon, sword more at spade Date: 1783 something that ornaments or… … New Collegiate Dictionary