- eohippus
- [͵i:əʋʹhıpəs] n палеонт.
эогиппус (ископаемая примитивная лошадь)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
eohippus — EOHÍPPUS s. (geol.) hiracoteriu. (Genul fosil de animale numit eohippus.) Trimis de siveco, 05.08.2004. Sursa: Sinonime EOHÍPPUS s. m. gen fosil de ecvide imparicopitate, cel mai vechi strămoş al calului. (< fr. éohippus) Trimis de raduborza … Dicționar Român
eohippus — ● eohippus nom masculin (du grec hippos, cheval) Petit équidé fossile de l éocène d Europe et d Amérique du Nord, qui avait quatre doigts aux pattes de devant et trois aux pattes de derrière. ● eohippus (synonymes) nom masculin (du grec hippos,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
eohippus — eo*hip pus ([=e] [ o]*h[i^]p p[u^]s), n. [Gr. hw s dawn + ipposhorse.] an extinct primitive dog sized 4 toed Eocene mammal, the earliest horse known in the line of descent of the modern horse. It is classed in the extinct genus {Hydracotherium}.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Eohippus — Eohippus, s. Einhufer … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Eohippus — oldest known genus of the horse family, 1879, from Mod.L., from Gk. eos (see EO (Cf. eo )) + hippos horse (see EQUINE (Cf. equine)) … Etymology dictionary
eohippus — [ē΄ō hip′əs] n. [ModL < EO + HIPPUS] an extinct progenitor (genus Hyracotherium) of the modern horse, found in the Lower Eocene of W U.S.: it was about the size of a fox and had four toes on the front feet and three on the hind … English World dictionary
Eohippus — Hyracotherium Hyracotherium … Wikipédia en Français
Eohippus — Hyracotherium Hyracotherium, Zeichnung von Heinrich Harder Zeitraum Eozän 60 bis 45 Mio. Jahre Fossilfundorte … Deutsch Wikipedia
eohippus — /ee oh hip euhs/, n. the earliest known horse, a member of the extinct genus Hyracotherium (Eohippus), from the early Eocene Epoch of the Northern Hemisphere; a terrier sized herbivore having four hoofed toes on each forefoot and three on each… … Universalium
Eohippus — Hyracotherium Hyracotherium n. An extinct horse genus, formerly called genus {Eohippus}. Syn: genus {Hyracotherium}. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
eohippus — noun Etymology: New Latin, from eo + Greek hippos horse more at equine Date: circa 1879 any of a genus (Hyracotherium syn. Eohippus) of very small primitive horses from the Lower Eocene having 4 toed forefeet and 3 toed hind feet called also dawn … New Collegiate Dictionary