- entrapper
- [ınʹtræpə] n
1. см. entrap + -er2. зверолов
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
entrapper — entrappˈer noun • • • Main Entry: ↑entrap … Useful english dictionary
entrap — entrapper, n. entrappingly, adv. /en trap /, v.t., entrapped, entrapping. 1. to catch in or as in a trap; ensnare: The hunters used nets to entrap the lion. 2. to bring unawares into difficulty or danger: He entrapped himself in the web of his… … Universalium
Abbeeren — Entrappen von roten Trauben im Burgund … Deutsch Wikipedia
Entrappen — Traubenmühle Als Abbeeren, Rebeln oder Entrappen bezeichnet man das Ablösen und Entfernen der Beeren vom Rappen bzw. Traubengerüst der Weintrauben. Dies soll verhindern, dass die im Traubenstiel und Rappen enthaltenen Gerbstoffe und Säuren in den … Deutsch Wikipedia
Babylonia — • Includes geography, history, and biblical references Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Babylonia Babylonia † … Catholic encyclopedia
entrap — /ɛnˈtræp/ (say en trap), /ən / (say uhn ) verb (t) (entrapped, entrapping) 1. to catch in or as in a trap; ensnare. 2. to bring unawares into difficulty or danger. 3. to draw into contradiction or damaging admission. 4. to draw into a breach of a …
entrap — v.tr. (entrapped, entrapping) 1 catch in or as in a trap. 2 (often foll. by into + verbal noun) beguile or trick (a person). Derivatives: entrapper n. Etymology: OF entraper (as EN (1), TRAP(1)) … Useful english dictionary
en|trap — «ehn TRAP», transitive verb, trapped, trap|ping. 1. to catch in a trap. SYNONYM(S): ensnare. 2. Figurative. to bring into difficulty or danger; deceive; trick: »By clever questioning, the lawyer entrapped … Useful english dictionary