
[ınʹtreınmənt] n спец.
1. увлечение (тж. частиц); унос
2. подгонка (биологических часов) к суточному ритму

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "entrainment" в других словарях:

  • Entrainment — may refer to:* Air entrainment, the intentional creation of tiny air bubbles in concrete * Brainwave entrainment, the practice of entraining one s brainwaves to a desired frequency * Entrainment (biomusicology), the synchronization of organisms… …   Wikipedia

  • Entrainment — bezeichnet: in der Physik den Effekt, der der Synchronisation zugrunde liegt. Injection Locking in der Verfahrenstechnik das Mitreißen von Flüssigkeitstropfen auf den nächsthöheren Kolonnenboden in der Meteorologie das Miteinbeziehen von… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Entrainment —   [ɪn treɪnmənt, englisch] das, s, Meereskunde: Turbulenz …   Universal-Lexikon

  • entrainment — vilkimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. dragging; entrainment; pulling vok. Mitbewegung, f; Mitführung, f; Ziehen, n rus. затягивание, n; увлечение, n; унесение, n pranc. entraînement, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Entrainment (biomusicology) — Entrainment in the biomusicological sense refers to the synchronization of organisms to an external rhythm, usually produced by other organisms with whom they interact socially. Examples include firefly flashing, mosquito wing clapping as well as …   Wikipedia

  • Entrainment (physics) — See entrainment for other types. Entrainment is the process whereby two interacting oscillating systems, which have different periods when they function independently, assume the same period. The two oscillators may fall into synchrony, but other …   Wikipedia

  • Entrainment (meteorology) — See entrainment for other types. Entrainment is a phenomenon of the atmosphere which occurs when a turbulent flow captures a non turbulent flow. It is typically used to refer to the capture of a wind flow of high moisture content, or in the case… …   Wikipedia

  • Entrainment (chronobiology) — In chronobiology, entrainment of a circadian system is the alignment of its own period and phase to the period and phase of an external rhythm. A common example is the entrainment of endogenous circadian rhythms (which in mammals are generated by …   Wikipedia

  • Entrainment (hydrodynamics) — See entrainment for other types. Entrainment is the movement of one fluid by another.One fluid moving in another can push or pull the other along with it. Eductors or eductor jet pumps are an excellent example. They are used onboard many ships to …   Wikipedia

  • Entrainment (engineering) — See entrainment for other types. Entrainment as commonly used in various branches of engineering may be defined as the entrapment of one substance by another substance. [cite book|author=Perry, R.H. and Green, D.W. (Editors)|title=Perry s… …   Wikipedia

  • Entrainment (Biologie) — Unter Entrainment versteht man in der Chronobiologie die Synchronisation der inneren Uhr mit regelmäßig wiederkehrenden Umgebungsfaktoren, den sogenannten Zeitgebern. Der wichtigste Zeitgeber für circadiane Rhythmen ist der Wechsel von Tag und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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