- english setter
- [ıŋglıʃʹsetə]
английский сеттер (порода собак)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
English Setter — FCI Standard Nr. 2 Gruppe 7: Vorstehhunde Sektion 2: Britisch … Deutsch Wikipedia
English Setter — Setter anglais Setter anglais … Wikipédia en Français
English setter — n. any of a breed of setter with flat, white, silky hair spotted or speckled with black, tan, or orange and forming fringes on the neck, tail, legs, and buttocks … English World dictionary
English Setter — Infobox Dogbreed akcgroup = Sporting akcstd = http://www.akc.org/breeds/english setter/index.cfm altname = Lawerack Laverack Llewellin (or Llewellyn) Setter [ [http://www.trainpetdog.com/English Setter/about english setter.html English Setter:… … Wikipedia
English setter — noun an English breed having a plumed tail and a soft silky coat that is chiefly white • Hypernyms: ↑setter * * * English setter [English setter] noun a British breed of large dog with a long, soft coat, usually black and white or brown and white … Useful english dictionary
English setter — one of a breed of medium sized, long haired bird dogs having a flat, usually black and white or tan and white coat. [1855 60] * * * ▪ breed of dog breed of sporting dog that has served as a gun dog in England for more than 400 years and has been … Universalium
English setter — noun a setter of a breed with a long white or partly white coat … English new terms dictionary
English setter — noun Date: 1845 any of a breed of dogs often trained as bird dogs and characterized by a moderately long flat silky coat of white or white with color and by feathering on the tail and legs … New Collegiate Dictionary
English setter — Eng′lish set′ter n. dch one of a breed of large setters having a long, flat coat, usu. white flecked with a darker color • Etymology: 1855–1860 … From formal English to slang
English setter — /ɪŋglɪʃ ˈsɛtə/ (say ingglish setuh) noun one of a breed of long haired gun dogs, usually tan and white, white with liver flecks, or pure white, with a rangy body …
Setter Inglés — Nombres alternativos Setter Llewellin (o Llewellyn) Setter Lawerack (o Laverack) Apodos habituales … Wikipedia Español