
[ınʹdɔ:s] v
1. фин. делать передаточную надпись, индоссировать; жирировать

to endorse a bill in blank - сделать на векселе бланковую передаточную надпись

to endorse a bill to smb. - переводить вексель на кого-л.; индоссировать вексель в чью-л. пользу

2. подписываться (под документом); расписываться (преим. на обороте)
3. отмечать на обороте (документа); вписывать (в документ)

to endorse a motorist's licence - отметить нарушение в водительских правах

4. подтверждать (правильность и т. п.); одобрять, подписываться (под чем-л.)

to endorse a candidate - поддерживать (чью-л.) кандидатуру

to endorse a conclusion - подписаться под каким-л. выводом

to endorse everything that the last speaker has said - присоединиться к предыдущему оратору

to endorse an advertised article - рекомендовать рекламируемый товар

it is endorsed by public opinion - это пользуется поддержкой общественного мнения, общественное мнение это одобряет

5. книжн. навьючить (животное)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "endorse" в других словарях:

  • endorse — en·dorse also in·dorse /in dȯrs/ vt en·dorsed also in·dorsed, en·dors·ing, also, in·dors·ing [Anglo French endosser endorser and Medieval Latin indorsare, both ultimately from Latin in on + dorsum back] 1: to write on the back of; esp: to sign… …   Law dictionary

  • Endorse — En*dorse , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Endorsed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Endorsing}.] [Formerly endosse, fr. F. endosser to put on the back, to endorse; pref. en (L. in) + dos back, L. dorsum. See {Dorsal}, and cf. {Indorse}.] Same as {Indorse}. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • endorse — (v.) late 14c. endosse alteration, from O.Fr. endosser (12c.), lit. to put on back, from en put on (see EN (Cf. en ) (1)) + dos back, from L. dossum, variant of dorsum. Sense of confirm, approve (by signing on the back) is recorded in English… …   Etymology dictionary

  • endorse — [v1] support, authorize accredit, advocate, affirm, approve, attest, authenticate, back, back up*, bless, boost, certify, champion, commend, confirm, countenance, defend, favor, give a boost to, give green light*, give one’s word*, give the go… …   New thesaurus

  • endorse — [en dôrs′, indôrs′] vt. endorsed, endorsing [altered (after L) < ME endosen < OFr endosser < ML indorsare < L in, on, upon + dorsum, the back] 1. to write on the back of (a document); specif., a) to sign (one s name) as payee on the… …   English World dictionary

  • Endorse — En*dorse , n. (Her.) A subordinary, resembling the pale, but of one fourth its width (according to some writers, one eighth). [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • endorse — *approve, sanction, accredit, certify Analogous words: vouch, attest, *certify, witness: *commend, recommend: *support, uphold, champion, back, advocate Contrasted words: *disapprove, deprecate: condemn, denounce, reprobate, reprehend, censur …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • endorse — in its modern marketing meaning ‘to give one s approval to (a product)’ was labelled by the Concise Oxford Dictionary in 1914 as ‘vulgar in advertisements’. Its original meaning is ‘to write on the back of (a document)’, from Latin dorsum ‘back’ …   Modern English usage

  • endorse — (US & Law also indorse) ► VERB 1) declare one s public approval of. 2) sign (a cheque or bill of exchange) on the back to specify another as the payee or to accept responsibility for paying it. 3) Brit. enter an endorsement on (a driving licence) …   English terms dictionary

  • endorse — Transferring asset ownership by signing the back of the asset s certificate. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * endorse en‧dorse [ɪnˈdɔːs ǁ ˈdɔːrs] also indorse verb [transitive] 1. LAW …   Financial and business terms

  • endorse — [[t]ɪndɔ͟ː(r)s[/t]] endorses, endorsing, endorsed 1) VERB If you endorse someone or something, you say publicly that you support or approve of them. [V n] I can endorse their opinion wholeheartedly. [V n] ...policies agreed by the Labour Party… …   English dictionary

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