- endophilic
- [͵endəʹfılık] a биол.
эндофильный; экологически связанный с человеком; живущий рядом с человеком (о животном)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
endophilic — en·do·phil·ic .en də fil ik adj ecologically associated with humans and their domestic environment <mosquitoes that are endophilic vectors of malaria> compare EXOPHILIC en·doph·i·ly en däf ə lē n, pl lies … Medical dictionary
endophilic — en·do·phil·ic … English syllables
endophilic — … Useful english dictionary
Anopheles — Taxobox name = Anopheles image width = 300px image caption = Anopheles stephensi regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda subphylum = Hexapoda classis = Insecta subclassis = Pterygota infraclassis = Neoptera superordo = Endopterygota| ordo = Diptera … Wikipedia
Malaria — Classification and external resources Ring forms and gametocytes of Plasmodium falciparum in human blood. ICD 10 B … Wikipedia
exophilic — exo·phil·ic .ek sə fil ik adj ecologically independent of humans and their domestic environment <an exophilic species of mosquito> compare ENDOPHILIC ex·oph·i·ly ek säf ə lē n, pl lies … Medical dictionary
endophily — noun see endophilic … Useful english dictionary