
1. [ʹendıŋ] n
1. 1) окончание, конец, завершение
2) заключительная часть (произведения)

happy ending - счастливая развязка, счастливый конец

3) уст. смерть, гибель
2. грам. окончание, флексия
3. спец. обрыв (нити, цепи и т. п.)
2. [ʹendıŋ] a
заключительный, конечный

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "ending" в других словарях:

  • Ending — End ing, n. 1. Termination; concluding part; result; conclusion; destruction; death. [1913 Webster] 2. (Gram.) The final syllable or letter of a word; the part joined to the stem. See 3d {Case}, 5. [1913 Webster] {Ending day}, day of death.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ending —   [englisch, endɪȖ; wörtlich »beenden, abschließen«], meist zweitaktige Schlusswendung in einem Arrangement bzw. einer Improvisation; kann als Höhepunkt gesteigert werden, aber auch verklingen (ausblenden). Als Endings werden auch Akkordfolgen… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • ending — [en′diŋ] n. [OE endung: see END2] 1. an end; specif., a) the last part; finish; conclusion b) death 2. Gram. the letter(s) or syllable(s) added to the end of a word or base to make a derived or inflected form [“ ed” …   English World dictionary

  • ending — index cessation (termination), close (conclusion), conclusion (outcome), defeasance, denouement …   Law dictionary

  • ending — O.E. endunge, prp. of END (Cf. end) …   Etymology dictionary

  • ending — n *end, termination, terminus Ana, Ant & Contrasted words: see those at END n 2 …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • ending — [n] conclusion catastrophe, cessation, close, closing, closure, completion, consummation, coup de grace, culmination, denouement, desistance, dissolution, epilogue, expiration, finale, finish, lapse, omega, outcome, period, resolution, stop,… …   New thesaurus

  • ending — ► NOUN ▪ an end or final part …   English terms dictionary

  • ending — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ happy ▪ sad, tragic, unhappy ▪ bad, good ▪ dramatic ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • ending — end|ing [ˈendıŋ] n 1.) the way that a story, film, activity etc finishes happy/perfect/surprise etc ending ▪ a story with a happy ending ending to ▪ Cookies and coffee are the perfect ending to a meal. 2.) [U] when a process stops or is finished …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • ending */*/ — UK [ˈendɪŋ] / US noun [countable] Word forms ending : singular ending plural endings 1) the way in which something such as a story, film, or play ends Children usually prefer books with a happy ending. 2) a time when something stops permanently… …   English dictionary

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