- encomia
- [ın|ʹkəʋmıə,en{ʹkəʋmıə}-] редк. pl от encomium
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
encomia — en·co·mi·um || en kəʊmjÉ™m n. praise, high commendation; eulogy … English contemporary dictionary
Haya buena cuenta, y blanca no parezca. — Encomia el rigor en la gestión contable, con independencia de que haya o no liquidez. Sobre poco más o menos, en suma, eso: las cuentas del Gran Capitán … Diccionario de dichos y refranes
ASA Gold Medal — The ASA Gold Medal is an annual award presented by the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) to individuals in recognition of outstanding contributions to acoustics. The Gold Medal was first presented in 1954 and is the highest award of the ASA.… … Wikipedia
Encomium — is a Latin word deriving from the Classical Greek ἐγκώμιον ( encomion ) meaning the praise of a person or thing. Related to this general meaning, encomium also identifies several distinct aspects of rhetoric:* A general category of oratory * A… … Wikipedia
Krishna Raja Wadiyar IV — Maharaja of Mysore Reign 1902 1940 Born June 4, 1884 Birthplace Mysore Died August 3, 1940 … Wikipedia
encomium — /en koh mee euhm/, n., pl. encomiums, encomia / mee euh/. a formal expression of high praise; eulogy: An encomium by the President greeted the returning hero. [1580 90; < L < Gk enkómion, equiv. to en EN 2 + kôm(os) a revel + ion n. suffix] * * * … Universalium
encomiador — ► adjetivo/ sustantivo Que encomia o alaba. * * * encomiador, a adj. y n. Se aplica al que encomia o es inclinado a encomiar. * * * encomiador, ra. adj. Que hace encomios. U. t. c. s … Enciclopedia Universal
encomiatore — en·co·mia·tó·re agg., s.m. BU agg., che encomia: discorso encomiatore | agg., s.m., che, chi encomia Sinonimi: elogiatore, lodatore, sostenitore. Contrari: critico, denigratore, detrattore. {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: av. 1787 … Dizionario italiano
encomium — noun (plural miums; also encomia) Etymology: Latin, from Greek enkōmion, from en in + kōmos revel, celebration Date: 1567 glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise; also an expression of this Synonyms: encomium, eulogy, panegyric, tribute, citation… … New Collegiate Dictionary
University of California, Berkeley — Seal of the University of California, Berkeley Motto Latin: Fiat Lux Motto in English Let There Be Light … Wikipedia
Great Lent — Orthodox church in the Czech Republic vested in lenten colors. Liturgical year Western … Wikipedia